The Pride of your model railroad


The Chicago CTA guy
this is a curious question I must say, but Im a curious person

whats your most prized piece of model railroad equipment?

For me its two things, I cant narrow down between the two, but my Broadway Limited GG1 (with all the bells and whistles, er...horns) and my Spectrum NKP 2-6-6-2

and if i had to add one more, My Bachman G Scale 2-8-0 #73, the single most expensive piece of model railroading I own
still a work in progress but my Rivarossi 4-8-8-2 SP Cab forward........on second thought I can't decide, it's either that or my Spectrum 80-ton 3-truck shay......
Lehigh Valley GP38-2 #318
My most prized possesion in my model railroad collection.
cost me somewhere around $64?
I am gonna give that little 38 some friends soon though.
Pictures of the models would be nice to see too!
My RS3 #529, which is very close to me

And as far as rolling stock, my Metrolink cab car and
New Haven gondola


And I guess my two Amtrak RDC's are up there too
My Lionel O-Scale Polar Express set, got it for Christmas last year. (Well, it's actually the ONLY thing that I have left, all others are broken. The eccentric rod on the right side of the loco is broken, too.) Sorry, no pics 'cause I have no idea where my parents stored it.
HO scale
Most expensive: My Athearn Genisis 2-8-2 (which is BEYOND out of commisson)
Most Favorite: My Athearn Genisis SP F3 A&B set
Most Reliable: My Life Like Proto 2000 SP SW8
Oldest: My Life Like Proto 2000 Cotton Belt GP20 (really need to work on)
rolling stock
Most expensive: KATO SP #150 Bissness car
Most used: Walthers SP 52-seat coach ^ paired with SP Bissness car
most favorite:My walthers Amtrak Phase IV viewliner
most reliable: My Walthers amtrak phase III MHC

O scale
My Lionel NYC 4-4-2 with everything installed

G Scale
(as if I had a choice) my LGB D&RGW 2-4-0 (Just finished weathering it)

7 1/2 inch scale
Most favorite: Our 0-4-0 side rod based on D&RGW #50
Most reliable: Our D&RGW 0-4-0 shifter

I'll get some pics soon

[qoute]still a work in progress but my Rivarossi 4-8-8-2 SP Cab forward........[qoute]
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For me, that'd be my Accucraft brass D&RGW short it was almost as expensive as my Bachmann 2-8-0 :P

Next year, that may change to a Bachmann K-27 if money permits :)
I have too many locos to pick from....
I have an old Lima Class 55, I got it in 1972, it has been repainted in to BR Blue with nameplates and I have only had to change the traction Tyres, and she still runs!!!!

Picture of Meld with my Class is it the class 45 that I like the most, ahhh but the class no....Class 50 now hang on...How about the............ARghhhhhh
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I have a Bachmann Fairburn tank, but unfortunately I have tight corners and what in real life is an increadibly versitile locomotive (it has a similar wheelbase to the std 4MT tank locomotives, but a smaller wheelset) is actually too big to fit. :( On a reasonable layout it performs really well though, and is a beautiful sight to watch.

It looks pretty in its box though ... :o but I have no photos (besides the continuing spread of MDF is more desolate than Ed's impression of the S&C). - here's a link to the Hattons Image

The real thing, if people are interested: two examples are in preservation, both at Haverthwaite near Windermere. I recommed visiting, and if you have time I really recommend getting the boat to Bowness-on-Windermere as well - you'll soon see why I love this county :cool:

My favorite steam engine is my O&W 4-8-2 Mountain by MTH. I can't wait until I can afford MTH's command control system. It will tell me how long I have run it, and how far. It is probably the longest running engine I own. Seven years and light maintanance on the smoke unit, and a change of traction tires has kept it's 50 car coal trains rolling.
My Broadway limited Paragon series Class J 4-8-4 with sound

i have a cotton belt GP-40 w/ decoder for sale. runs great on DC and DCC

3 missing hand rails but is for sale for $69.99 i bought it for 80.00 it that counts with a decoder.
The pride of my model railway? Well in HO I have...


My Märklin BR 796 (former VT 96) of the Deutsche Bundesbahn

And in G I have...


My Piko BR 218 of Deutsche Bahn AG

More to follow when I get to photographing them.

Hey! Wilee! I have a Fleischmann trolley w/'s currently in PIECES. I have no idea how to rewire it so I can switch back and forth between rail-only running and caternary running. Help, please?

Oh, also, do you have ANYTHING American?! :hehe:

i have a cotton belt GP-40 w/ decoder for sale. runs great on DC and DCC

Who made it? Athearn? Atlas?
Well Kaos, it depends on what trolley it is and what state of destruction it is in, perhaps you could just mail it to me:p?

And yes, I do have (barely) some American stuff, I'll photograph it when the sun comes out.
