The Forums Lately...

Hello, all. Chris here.

I've been noticing something, odd, about our community lately. All i ever see around here anymore is locked threads, flame wars, and arguments. Yes, we've all made a mistake at least once in our lives. Heck, i've made hundreds, even thousands. But come on, is it really that hard to be nice to one another? And with TANE right around the corner, everyone's complaining about the new error-checking system, the recent change in minimum build numbers, etc.. Is it really too hard to handle that we may actually have to upgrade to the latest version of the software? Sure, not all of us may want to, but it's not like it's impossible. And don't go saying that it's too hard to get TS12: it took me 3 years before i finally got a computer good enough to at least run it. But anyway, i'm getting off-topic...

Can't we just ease back a little with the rudeness and hurtful comments at least a little? Astonishingly, we can't seem to. And i'll digress with this:


*Image made by Cascade Railroad*

Best Regards,
I agree! Sometimes a little patience goes a long way, particularly when you know in your heart, that there are people doing the 'hard-yards' to get our Trainz software up to scratch!
It's worth it in the long run!
At the moment there is pressure on N3V to ship and there has been for some time. Basically Trainz owes its commercial existence to the people who create content for free. That's why we have Trainz today and not Microsoft train sim, there was a lot of effort made to working with the community and it paid off.

TANE is demanding a higher level of content. Short cuts that were used no longer work etc. Trainz now has a very wide range of content and there is less reason to work with the content creators to create new content. Working with them and explaining what is wanted and why takes effort and I get the impression N3V no longer have the resources to do that.

We can work out the problems of TANE together? Maybe, but if only a few wealthy people can afford a machine that will run TANE reasonably well and apparently mine doesn't, what's in it for the content creators who don't have high end machines and have spent a couple of years creating a bit of content? Not all content creators are wealthy. TS12 does most of what TANE does and requires a much less expensive machine. The DLS is no longer easy to use, but Trainz always has had lots of third party sites hosting content. I still use older versions of things like Paintshop Pro, I'm licensed for newer versions but the older ones work well and I know the interface and that's a problem for N3V.

Cheerio John
You're missing the point, Chris. How would you feel if, say, a year from now, T:ANE was no longer supported? How about if the content you spent hundreds of hours creating for that version wouldn't be usable (or, at least, readily distributable) in the version you spent the previous year getting all nice and stable?

As unlikely as that might seem, nobody thought a week ago that N3V might skip support of its most current product that it's still selling.
The graphic would be so much more effective if a certain group hadn't decided to see if they can do better and are building their own train sim.

Trainz is a symbiotic product with mutually supporting groups. TANE works best if N3V, content creators and users are all onboard and working together. I do agree that the sniping produces nothing but bad feeling and in the long run, that's not good.
The graphic would be so much more effective if a certain group hadn't decided to see if they can do better and are building their own train sim.

Huh? Isn't the USA a free country? Can't anyone start a business or manufacture a product if they want to?
Huh? Isn't the USA a free country? Can't anyone start a business or manufacture a product if they want to?

The graphic suggests that if you think you can do better, why don't you do so yourself. I was merely pointing out that someone has done so.

What that has to do with business regulation in the U.S. I have no idea.
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@RRSignal: I'd be...okay with it. I wouldn't be running around complaining about it...but i still wouldn't agree with it. It wouldn't be a smart move on N3V's part.

@Butler57: Because no one can keep from arguing. My opening post's point exactly.
Hello, all. Chris here.

the recent change in minimum build numbers,

Best Regards,

Hello Chris ...

I respect your post, sir, and Yes, I seem flame wars that have gotten out of control; However, the dropping all other minimum built for 3.7 was and will always be a decision that N3V will privately regret in the long run!

From 2.9 to 3.7 is wrong, and in between there is so much contents that was already made, and now we are left with two chooses, sir ... fix all of the items due to the 3.7 requirement, items that had no errors before, or leave! -- But most importantly, sir, N3V never gave us creators the heads up to at least, debate, discuss, and ask about our feelings, because after all, the DLS is built on our creations!

Have a good day Chris! :wave:

I certainly take all of the content creators' concerns to heart. After all, if T:ANE is going to be a cute little simulator that runs their imaginary or unwanted scenarios, and that's it, then I will turn elsewhere. This company does appear to be taking a hostile approach against the very ones who have made them great.

I too, aspire to become a content creator. I chose T:ANE because it appeared in the past that there was a great community of content developers. Now, I am seeing more legitimate contention that concerns me. I have seen this happen in the house architect software community--I hope it doesn't continue here.
I know the recent announcement has caused distress amongst the content creation community, of which I am not a member, and rightfully so, but none of us can really say what will happen in the coming weeks or months in regard to TANE or Trainz in general. Supposedly the developers will be making an announcement in the next day or so, according to Tony, that will hopefully at the very least, put a better perspective on what to expect and how we all can proceed moving forward. Right now, a lot of people are understandably frustrated, angry and pessimistic, and given the past history, it is understandable. Once more information is given and digested, we can go beyond the speculation, hysteria, and general hyperbole that is out there right now.

I am wary myself. Not being a creator, I depend on all of them to make my Trainz experience enjoyable. They are important to it's continued existence, and I hope the developers realize that. It's wonderful to be passionate about trainz, especially when you put in so much time and effort creating things for it, be it for profit or free. This is a cause for concern, alarm even, but until things crystallize a bit more, not panic. As the saying goes: "Hope for the best, prepare for the worst."
The "heat" in a couple of threads about limitations on uploading is rather different from your average flame war.

If you take the trouble to read the threads through you will see that some are making quite reasoned arguments. The fact that Tony has taken an active part in the discussion suggests the point has been made. It's not a democracy as such but we at least get the opportunity to debate our point of view. I think that is very healthy from a community perspective.

There will be, of course, those who get a little "hot under the collar" but, if you have read any of their posts in the past, you will understand that this is important to them and not just something to whinge/complain about.

I may, or may not, agree with them but, like anything of substance, all of us will have a different perspective.
The "heat" in a couple of threads about limitations on uploading is rather different from your average flame war.

If you take the trouble to read the threads through you will see that some are making quite reasoned arguments. The fact that Tony has taken an active part in the discussion suggests the point has been made. It's not a democracy as such but we at least get the opportunity to debate our point of view. I think that is very healthy from a community perspective.

There will be, of course, those who get a little "hot under the collar" but, if you have read any of their posts in the past, you will understand that this is important to them and not just something to whinge/complain about.

Hello, all. Chris here.

I've been noticing something, odd, about our community lately. All i ever see around here anymore is locked threads, flame wars, and arguments. Yes, we've all made a mistake at least once in our lives. Heck, i've made hundreds, even thousands. But come on, is it really that hard to be nice to one another? And with TANE right around the corner, everyone's complaining about the new error-checking system, the recent change in minimum build numbers, etc.. Is it really too hard to handle that we may actually have to upgrade to the latest version of the software? Sure, not all of us may want to, but it's not like it's impossible. And don't go saying that it's too hard to get TS12: it took me 3 years before i finally got a computer good enough to at least run it. But anyway, i'm getting off-topic...

Can't we just ease back a little with the rudeness and hurtful comments at least a little? Astonishingly, we can't seem to. And i'll digress with this:


*Image made by Cascade Railroad*

Best Regards,

This seems to be a common occurrence on trainz every time a version is obsoleted, although I think that the arguments that occurred when Trainz06 was obseleted were worse, due to the instabilty of TS10 etc, etc. Now people are complaining about the instabilty of TS12 and T:ANE compared to TS10, I'm getting a feeling of deja vu with this forum at the moment. Although I do think that obseleting the unpatched version of TS12 was rather draconian, but I really don't see why people complain about SP1 so much, I found it rather annoying at first but after using it for a year I certainly wouldn't go back. I think the grounds Auran oops I mean N3V (shows how long I've been on the forum) have for obsoleting the old TS12 is that the SP1 patch is free and it's not like they're forcing you to purchase a new game, so I think it's a case of like it or lump it really.

I create content for TS12 SP1 and I must say there is somethings I much prefer about it compared to previous versions, the error checking in CMP is top notch and has improved the reliability of content seven-fold in recent years, yes it makes things more difficult for content creators, but it's intended to help the ordinary punters who only wish to download objects rather than create them, these types of users far outnumber the amount of content creators. I remember the 'good old days' of TRS06 in which a vast portion of content on the DLS was faulty, how I got into content creation was basically because I had to fix for myself the errors that occurred within the content.

For an independent games company, I do think that N3V do rather well considering the size of the community and the huge variety of objects available on the DLS. In fact 'the other sim' impose far more draconian measures on their third party contributors then what N3V does.
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This seems to be a common occurrence on trainz every time a version is obsoleted, although I think that the arguments that occurred when Trainz06 was obseleted were worse, due to the instabilty of TS10 etc, etc. Now people are complaining about the instabilty of TS12 and T:ANE compared to TS10, I'm getting a feeling of deja vu with this forum at the moment. Although I do think that obseleting the unpatched version of TS12 was rather draconian, but I really don't see why people complain about SP1 so much, I found it rather annoying at first but after using it for a year I certainly wouldn't go back. I think the grounds Auran oops I mean N3V (shows how long I've been on the forum) have for obsoleting the old TS12 is that the SP1 patch is free and it's not like they're forcing you to purchase a new game, so I think it's a case of like it or lump it really.

I create content for TS12 SP1 and I must say there is somethings I much prefer about it compared to previous versions, the error checking in CMP is top notch and has improved the reliability of content seven-fold in recent years, yes it makes things more difficult for content creators, but it's intended to help the ordinary punters who only wish to download objects rather than create them, these types of users far outnumber the amount of content creators. I remember the 'good old days' of TRS06 in which a vast portion of content on the DLS was faulty, how I got into content creation was basically because I had to fix myself the errors that occurred with the content.

For an independent games company, I do think that N3V do rather well considering the size of the community and the huge variety of objects available on the DLS. In fact 'the other sim' impose far more draconian measures on their third party contributors that what N3V does.

This is the only post that seems to make any sense in this heated debate. Thank you for standing out in a crowd of nonsense.