Thank you Dinorius redundicus

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There was a discussion a little while back that was related to this issue. From that I thought the best way around this problem was to use a completely new KUID and reference the old in the obsolete table. Would that solve the issue raised by the OP?

It's tough for creators. The more you make, the more you may need to correct every time a new version comes out. You could spend all your time just fixing older stuff and then you have a bunch of folk complaining about no new stuff.

On top of all that, the validation rules have gotten much tougher. Try reading the TrainzDev threads to see how difficult it can be.
Does this practice, break the assets, for all other versions lower than T:ANE, making them usable only in T:ANE ?
Only if you download them.
OR if you DL an older version (one with an appropriate build number) and CM decides that it should get the newest one, and then shows you (the lovely) error "this asset has a build # not recognized ..."

So one is stuck with an otherwise perfectly good obsoleted (ergo, unusable) asset and no way* to rectify the situation.

*Please, tell me I am wrong.
I kinda like being wrong...

Is there some (complicated or otherwise) procedure to un-obsolete an asset. Something maybe involving some deleting and TAD-repairing? Is there some way to prevent CM from doing this? Is it even possible for someone to work this problem?

If not, then I may have to go sit with the conspiracy theorists (a nasty, sticky, queasy-making place to be) and begin to think N3V is deliberately trying to break the older versions so we'll all have to buy TANE. (Which might be a better marketing strategy than waiting until TANE is usable...).

Now that I've gone and crawled into this puddle of stinky goo... Does it seem like content creation is being increasingly discouraged? Are we headed for TAWNY? (Trainz: a whole new year) where only N3V-created content can possibly work? (See? I wasn't exaggerating about the stinkyness of this place I have gone... It should now be clear to all why I like being wrong sometimes).

I need a shower...

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