T:ANE may obsolete all other versions of TRAINZ


Crabby Old Geezer
While working on a new route for TS12, it occurred to me that I may be working in vain. When this new remarkable and much better version of TRAINZ comes out (T:ANE) I suspect nobody will be interested in older versions of Trainz. I mean, it'll be like comparing the FarCry games, with their fantastic and realistic scenery, to the old and very dated Delta Force:Black Hawk Down game engine. I mean, why would anyone want to play a very dated game when there are better games made with better game engines out there.

Seems to me this new Trainz will quickly obsolete all the older versions.

Just my thoughts.


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One the one hand I hope you are right about the obsoleting of the older versions. It has become rather boring to see yet another dinosaur posting about how much better an older version was. Wouldn't it be nice (yet naïve; I know) to see (almost) everyone agree the newer version is indeed better than those 825 older versions / builds?

I doubt this has any influence on your route as you will just import it into the next version and continue building (just as me and a lot of other people). I think you as route builder have more influence on the route than the game does. See the game as a set of tools and possibilities; they help but without your hands using them they are just that... tools.

If it comes to older games... I still love playing colonization, ages of empires and Eurth2150. I assume a lot new and "better" games came out, but these older games still have their charm (and some of them can be played on a LAN party without having to bother about being online or having everyone on recent hardware).
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While I have high hopes for T:ANE, the logic "newer must be better" doesn't always pan out when it comes to software. I can point to any number of software titles (Windows 8, anyone?) and especially with games.

Back to Trainz and T:ANE, though, the quality of play is going to make a difference. Also, even N3V has warned that the new engine will enhance a lot of the limitations of the older content as much as it will enhance newer content for the better. Until that stuff is upgraded or replaced, you're probably going to see a lot of nice, shiny stuff using the latest materials next to flat, billboarded content that might have looked great in earlier versions, but now doesn't look so hot. Seeing as only, perhaps, 5% of the available content takes advantage of such materials or improved construction methods, there's going to be a long way to go to get back to where we are now with the older versions. Hopefully, not another 13 years, but who knows.

I'm looking forward to the increased draw distance we're supposed to get, though.
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I expect to be using both TS12 and TANE side by side for awhile. I have a lot of payware in 12, how easily it moves into TANE will be a major factor. I never liked fiddling with Trainz content, if it won't migrate easily, I'd rather keep it in 12 and only use TANE specific content moving forward.
Going back and forth there is no comparison

Put TrainzItalia's Donner Pass into T:ANE required to go back and forth between T:ANE and TS12.

TS12 isn't a very good game.

T:ANE is so much better even a this point than TS12:


I still have TS Mac 1 active and use it from time to time because I have content in there that I can't be bothered to put into Mac2 - where I've been much pickier about what I downloaded, or because of the amount of time it takes me to download a route with all it's assets, which i cant be bothered repeating. I imagine the same will apply with T:ANE
Probably the last time pretty much everyone decamped from an old version to a new was for TRS2004 as the advantages over UTC were very clear.
But I like Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. TANE does look good except the ambient lighting in the routes I tried is too bright..
Could you please post a couple screens of the same location, one taken in TS12 and one in T:ANE?



What doesn't show in the photos is the "pop-up/redraw" in TS12, everything stays in the scene in T:ANE if you move viewpoint.

TS12 doesn't have a natural horizon.

There has always been a gradual transition in Trainz, as people migrate to the latest version over time. Remember the "good ol' boy TRS2006 holdouts" of old, when TC then TS2009 was being marketed.

The deciding factor for many will be how well the final version of TANE runs on their current hardware, particularly in my case for development which is done on an aging I3 laptop, just about copes with TS12 and RW-TS(2015) but I have my doubts as to whether I will get very far with TANE. Hardware notwithstanding, I've got at least a couple of WIP routes in TS12/49922 which I would like to finish in that version, rather than just swap across to TANE, though a TANE re-work would certainly be on the cards.

The ultimate consideration will of course be N3V's own life cycle policy for TS12, can't remember what the projected date is and I suspect could be a moveable feast anyway depending on the success or otherwise. However withdrawal of direct support or the ability to upload TS12 stuff to the DLS is what would finally force a move over to TANE.
Well I'm really quite impressed with certain aspects of Tane, however there is a bit missing in Tane that make it currently usable for me.

I have 10 years of work wrapped up in my project and I'm just not prepared to chuck it down the road. So I'll just stick with TS10 and hope the item will appear in Tane at some stage in the future, but I'm not holding my breath, kickstarter was a gamble that didn't pay off for me. Oh well ya win some you lose some.


The ultimate consideration will of course be N3V's own life cycle policy for TS12, can't remember what the projected date is and I suspect could be a moveable feast anyway depending on the success or otherwise.
September 2016
But I like Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. TANE does look good except the ambient lighting in the routes I tried is too bright..
I know it is subjective, but I agree with "too bright". Had me searching for the gamma setting! lol Also, I hope they bring back the global settings for fog, etc.
I would not be so quick to boast that T:ANE will succeed, as it hasn't even had it's first release, not until May ... It may have tons of problems.

And besides ... won't a route that was created in UTC, 04, 06, TC1&2, 09, 10, 12 work in T:ANE ?

So I think it is a tad bit too early to say T:ANE is a total success, and will obsolete all other versions, and lower version routes.

Something NEW ... is not always better ! It's just polished, brighter, and more shiney :hehe: Like Windows8
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So I think it is a tad bit too early to say T:ANE is a total success, and will obsolete all other versions, and lower version routes.
T:ANE NOT succeeding does make all the other versions obsolete.

Without any cash flow most businesses die.

Good luck with that and no DLS!

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Morning Guyz ...

--- Just throwing my 2 cents into the ring...

TANE, as long as things load super quick, even in driver, I think for me it's a plus!

Anything else, there will always be ups and downs!

RR brought up a great point on the windows 8 Comparison, etc ... I went back to windows 7, but windows 10 looks like a winner... which is to say, from reports via friends via emails, TANE looks and feels like a winner! --- Crazy as this maybe, I starting thinking what's next for trainz! :hehe:
