T:ANE (in development) screenshots...

I wonder, did they ever fix the derailment physics in T:ANE? In TS12, we have trains inside each other.


DD584 powers up the grade into Shelley with an Up goods through the morning fog.


A few moments later, the train is seen coasting through the platform, making use of the slight uphill grade to slow the train to a stop.


Having completed safeworking, the train powers up the short grade out of Shelley.


The following evening, another DD class waits in Shelley in the fading light with an empty cattle train.

Thanks Sachsenbahner for the reply :Y:

Really wonderful shots so far guys.

joosten, amazing, you must be well pleased with that.:udrool:

All the shots look great,,obvious improvement, but I dont make assets, sadly, beyond my skills, so I can only go by what I see as as
a layman who enjoys this hobby so much. I have to constantly remind myself, that Tane is sort of like an artist's pallet..The tools will
be available,,,colors galore,,all adjustable to our hearts content..I really enjoy pofig's trees in ts12, so 3rd party's added to all this as a whole
we now see and the sky is the limit..main thing is the basic working toolbox,,which will be available to all in May hopefully..

As always,,I am a beginner,,even though ive used Trainz for years..A deep deep sim,,,cant go a day without learning some new fun aspect.
thats the key,,Tane will never be "finished", constantly improving, thanks to all investing their time..my 2 cents worth..


Joosten? what trees are you using in that screenshot? thanks
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Good afternoon Charlieencin, I definitely agree. Trainz is always a work in progress but it's interesting how it's like an artist pallet. So much is learned each time it's used. I'm using Trainz 2010 and almost every time I work on my Major Tri State Area Project, I learn about new items that could be used and different styles of route building. I'd say along with TANE, each version of Trainz including 2004, 2006, TC, etc is a great hobby.
Its all falling into place now! :D
If anyone would be kind enough to post a shot of the smoke billowing inside a large station canopy, that would be great, thanks.
If anyone would be kind enough to post a shot of the smoke billowing inside a large station canopy, that would be great, thanks.

Hi John,

Sorry no station canopy,hope this will do,collision effect may need looking at,does not seem as good with this version.





I've edited the heading to reflect that this thread is showing "in development" shots - obviously things have come a long way since the first post in January and there are still some good improvements happening in the lead up to our Gold Master build.

Keep the shots coming guys!