Subway Tutorial


New member
Trying to learn how to make subway structures in Trainz...

So far I downloaded SEN CITY 06 and IRT1904

I downloaded some new walls and subway tunnels from DLS, how do you replace the existing ones?

How do you manually control the train - whenever I do CTRL+RightClick -> Drive then the train drives by itself. I can't manually slow down, etc.

How can I design my own tunnels with GMAX? is there a tutorial somewhere?

How come with IRT1904 if you choose external view you can't see underground?
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1. Q:I downloaded some new walls and subway tunnels from DLS, how do you replace the existing ones? A: Go into survryour and delete the olod ones and replace (look out on magiclands tunnel portal if you use that! It can face the wrong way if your not careful!)
2. Q: How do you manually control the train - whenever I do CTRL+RightClick -> Drive then the train drives by itself. I can't manually slow down, etc. A: LOL! "Drive" is a command for the AI! It tells them just go as far as possible in whichever way the switches are thrown! To drive the train use the black knob in the upper right hand corner!
3. Q: How can I design my own tunnels with GMAX? is there a tutorial somewhere? A: I have had Trainz for almost a year and I cannot creat a tunnel. It is possible but it took Magicland from about 2002 to mid 2006 for his subway pack! It's hard to work with but yes there are plenty of tutourials somewhere (probably not tunnels though!)
4. Q: How come with IRT1904 if you choose external view you can't see underground? A: Because you are underground it is sqeezing you inbetween the roof and the top of the tunnel!
doh i am stupid

3. when i meant tunnel i meant subway tube. does that still change anything? is there a way contact magicland...

4. is there a way to work around that, since i want to look around in the underground level. i hate how if i pick external view it takes me to the roof, i want to look around the stations.

doh i am stupid

4. is there a way to work around that, since i want to look around in the underground level. i hate how if i pick external view it takes me to the roof, i want to look around the stations.


I think most subway tunnels are just laid in a 'trench' in surveyor, so you can 'walk' [TRS2004=CTRL+walk(or+fly)TRS2006=CTRL+y(or+u)] around in them to view the stations or tunnels close up.
I would suggest you 'take apart' the tunnel pieces in the layout to see how they are put together. Use the 'get' button to select the tunnels or scenery items and play with them beside the original installation, try to put them together in the same way or in a different configuration of your choosing.
I hope this helps a bit. :)

I've been trying to build a subway system for the past fortnight and the absence of a subway tutorial is really noticeable.

I'm now on my fifth attempt, each getting progressively better but its slow work using trial and error.

My feeling is that the dig and cover method is the best way of going about it - rather than tunnelling.

Also - its easier (relatively) to build a loop but building intersections, different levels and points are really difficult to do well (or even difficult to do at all).

I've come back to using the UGleis and UTum series of track/tunnel/bridges with the Premetro Station, they seem the easiest.

Goodluck with your own subway.

can you elaborate more on the dig and cover method - do you lower the elevation, place stuff, and then raise the elevation again?

magicland, jeffmorris, etc.

if any of you guys are reading this, and could offer a tutorial on designing the subway tubes, that would be great.

i want tubes that are darker, has flourescent lights scattered throughout, third rails on top, and concrete rails

it doesnt seem too hard but i need some pointers! :D thanks...
Q: i want tubes that are darker, has flourescent lights scattered throughout, third rails on top, and concrete rails

it doesnt seem too hard but i need some pointers! thanks...
A: Sounds like you need to search for magicland!

Q: can you elaborate more on the dig and cover method - do you lower the elevation, place stuff, and then raise the elevation again?
A: you assemble at ground level and sink it to -10

Q:if any of you guys are reading this, and could offer a tutorial on designing the subway tubes, that would be great.
A: I started one on the day the old fourms crashed and I might post it again!
Cut and Cover

Yes - assemble everything at ground level then sink the ground under the rail and stations to -10 (or in the case of the subway layout to -9.4). Make sure that all rails are at -10, then lay one of the flat, double sided splines over the top. Roads should work as well.