SRS UP SD70Ms Released..


Just released SRS UP SD70Ms.....
UP SD70Ms comes with flag & letters painted skins. They have auto numbering, custom cab, skin changer, sounds, ditch lights & swaying effect.
hope you like it & enjoy it.

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Beautiful locos! They sound and look absolutely fantastic.


Awesome job, srs!

Compliment: a polite expression of praise or admiration

1. All you did was ask if they were freeware, freak out because they are freeware, and state that you were happy. That's not a compliment: it's two statement and a question.

2. I wasn't being mean. I was just wondering why you thought this thread would be in the Freeware Announcements section if they weren't, for some reason, freeware. No harm, just bewildered intrigue.

Good day.
Well, they do have features that even JR doesn't have, maybe I will donate.

Now I must ask, because I have yet to notice, what features are you referring to that these assets possess, that JointedRail's do not.

And just a heads up for next time, if your post is being received negatively by other users, it's best to quit while you're ahead.
Fine work SRS, fine work. Now really, how did you get a locomotive like that in a photography studio with large enough space and huge white muslins for backdrops? :) Some studio!

Such excellent work on these. The the amazing thing is that even with all the high detail and features they are still able to have a build of 2.9. I think that is great.
After installing the one with the flag, I am showing two things missing: interior <kuid:461273:1113> and body-textures <kuid:461273:1112> A simple omission I'm sure.
Beautiful work. Unfortunately I cannot downloads them from your site. I get a page full of letters and numbers. Any help?