New Releases: (5/20/13) ALCO RS1's, Early GP7's & 9's

SO many fabulous RS1 paint schemes that could be. My obviously biased vote for most-wanted original-owner units would be New Haven.... but I'd buy just about any NE RR that gets made :-)

Based on number produced by Alco & other units that JR have often painted, I'm guessing that the bigger mid-western roads are ones most likely to get made: Milwaukee, CRIP, GMO, CNW.

Is it me or did it sound like the RS was going to stall at 3:48 mark? lol

Too bad I can't buy them, I've had problems with the JR site for well over a year and never been able to log in, even when I do reset passwords it comes up with invalid password, last item I bought was when they released the D&RGW GP40's or was it GP40-2's.

MKT GP-7s: MINEMINEMINEMINE!!!!!! :udrool::udrool::udrool:

sorry, the Katy lover in me had to do that. Back to trolling in my K-10 class 2-8-0...
Is it me or did it sound like the RS was going to stall at 3:48 mark? lol

Too bad I can't buy them, I've had problems with the JR site for well over a year and never been able to log in, even when I do reset passwords it comes up with invalid password, last item I bought was when they released the D&RGW GP40's or was it GP40-2's.


Email us....we can fix that. Your username was probably only valid on the old site which died about Sept 2012. Everything started over after that date so thats probably your issue. We can get you all re-setup on the new site OR just go ahead and create a new user on the site.
I don't suppose New Haven skins are in the pipeline for either of these, are there? Haha

Looking good guys, I will most definitely break my wallet out for these!
@ns37: just a quick question. with the 70m with the flared radiators be out this year or is it a private loco only, just wondering? anyway nice locos all around guys. -inprr
@ns37: just a quick question. with the 70m with the flared radiators be out this year or is it a private loco only, just wondering? anyway nice locos all around guys. -inprr

yes they will. i intend to release them along with the squared cabs, which of course require a new interior...

i know they delay things now, but hey you guys asked for them!
Email us....we can fix that. Your username was probably only valid on the old site which died about Sept 2012. Everything started over after that date so thats probably your issue. We can get you all re-setup on the new site OR just go ahead and create a new user on the site.

I created a new account using the sign in with facebook option, the problem I had was way before Sep 2012, it was a few months after the GP40-2 release that the problem started, as I'll click reset password, I'd get the email then it'll say the new password was invalid so I gave up after several tries.

I was going through your payware list and I'm pretty sure you had the EMD Demo locos 'SD50's or was it SD60s', I bought some back in 2010 or was it 2011 as it was the very first payware I got from JointedRail, or I'm probably confused with RRMods as they also had EMD Demo units.

I bought the RS-1 after creating new account, not really an Alco person, but I do like playing with the ATLAS RS-3 in HO scale also the Alco enginesound on the video also tempted me to get it :)

Hopefully it won't be too long for the Black Widow GP's.

i dont mind the wait. i just seen them and thought they were out but, for the better, things change. -inprr
Great work JR! The sounds on these little gems are absouloutly fantastic, keep up your terrific work. Looking foward to what else you have installed for this year, I'm sure youse will be taking things to new hieghts and making more outstanding stuff!

Cheers Daniel
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The loco looks, great runs great, but it seems to suffer from the same start/stop sound bug that seems to affect a lot of my JR locos but not any others. Weird.

BTW if you are open to requests for future skins:

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