Spline Point Issues

One of the more frustrating things I've noticed lately is that spline points on hidden layers are no longer hidden even if the object itself is hidden. For me this kind of defeats the purpose of using layers. I use them especially around roads and junctions in order to avoid a cluster of spline points and not knowing what leads to where?

Second annoyance is that you no longer seem to individually move track in scenery items to it's own layer from scenery items (for example a stations with attached track) - Why have these two basic things been changed? Will they be changed back?
Fully agree on the visible spline points on a hidden layer, very annoying and sadly been with Trainz earlier too as I remember it from when layers was young. :-(

I believe this is a bug that has been reported, but mention it in the TRS2019 beta forum so that this issue can be addressed.
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Fully agree on the visible spline points on a hidden layer, very annoying and sadly been with Trainz earlier too as I remember it from when layers was young. :-(


Well for ages it wasn't an issue because I used to work on layers. I use a lot of spline points around road junctions because of the way I set my roads up so having a massive cluster of spline points makes it really unworkable.

I believe this is a bug that has been reported, but mention it in the TRS2019 beta forum so that this issue can be addressed.

Thanks I'll check that out too