Spline Point Issues

Sorry for the double post, but I was advised this would be the best forum to post it. Currently using 108941 but these issues have been there in the last few builds.

One of the more frustrating things I've noticed lately is that spline points on hidden layers are no longer hidden even if the object itself is hidden. For me this kind of defeats the purpose of using layers. I use them especially around roads and junctions in order to avoid a cluster of spline points and not knowing what leads to where?

Second annoyance is that you no longer seem to individually move track in scenery items to it's own layer from scenery items (for example a stations with attached track) - Why have these two basic things been changed? Will they be changed back?

I agree. It is a mess working with splines. Please fix it.
And maybe add spline point kind of transparency because sometimes is very hard to see the asset below spline point circles. An there is another problem with spline points hidden below the object (banks,...) when object height is increased. Spline point is completely covered by the object. Maybe a vertical line at the spline point circle center solves the problem.

Kind Regards
Thanks for the report.
1. spline points on hidden layers are no longer hidden even if the object itself is hidden
Bug has been reproduced and a task created.
Second annoyance is that you no longer seem to individually move track in scenery items to it's own layer from scenery items (for example a stations with attached track)
Industry assets with attached track are special cases. The track is always part of the scenery object. If you move the scenery object to anew layer, the track also moves. You can't move the track
3. Why have these two basic things been changed?
Most likely fixing one bug had an unintended side effect. Unlikely to have been intentional.
4. Will they be changed back?
Once QA find the bug, or someone reports the bug and the bug is able to be reproduced by QA, then it goes into the list for dev to fix. Fixes are generally based upon priority (who does it affect, how serious is the issue, is there a workaround etc).