kuid 68213
Speedtrees (version 6) by RMM and Pofig on the DLS have Russian names or codes in what is meant to be the "English-only" username tag.
For those wanting English and other equivalents, see the table below. If you see mistakes or have new information (especially about new trees by RMM or Pofig on the DLS), add a post to the end of this thread. I will be automatically alerted by e-mail and I will update the table.
For those wanting to do their own research, Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias can help with translations between Russian, English, Deutsch, Español, Francais (thanks to oldman777 for the reference).
Edit history
Edit (Sept 2018): Deutsch translations by -Basti- were copied from: https://www.trainzdepot.net/lexikon/index.php?entry/71-übersetzungen-von-dls-bäumen/
Edit (Sept 2019): Nederlands and Francais translations kindly provided by zsuda were added.
Edit (Jan 2020): New entries for Ohla, Siren and Kashtan trees added (thanks to p-dehnert for the alert and to HPL for corrections to several Francais entries).
Edit (Oct 2022): A web page attempting to explain the name codes in the Pofig speedtree series, kindly provided by JAGG. http://www.doug56.net/MBC_2010_Assets/page23.html
Edit (Nov 2023): This thread designated as a "Sticky" in the Surveyors, Operators & Engineers forum. Thanks to Zec Murphy.
Edit (Nov 2023): Thread title generalised to "Russian creators" instead of RMM, and "name translations" instead of just "English translations".
Edit (Sept 2024): Added Russian names in Cyrillic script (thanks to oldman777 (see post #155 and Post #156) and JAGG (post #161).
Edit (Sept 2024): Added Español names to the table, thanks to Francisco (Frank_Dean).
Edit (Nov 2024): Italiano names added, thanks to Carlo (Pendolino).
~ Dino
For those wanting English and other equivalents, see the table below. If you see mistakes or have new information (especially about new trees by RMM or Pofig on the DLS), add a post to the end of this thread. I will be automatically alerted by e-mail and I will update the table.
For those wanting to do their own research, Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias can help with translations between Russian, English, Deutsch, Español, Francais (thanks to oldman777 for the reference).
Edit history
Edit (Sept 2018): Deutsch translations by -Basti- were copied from: https://www.trainzdepot.net/lexikon/index.php?entry/71-übersetzungen-von-dls-bäumen/
Edit (Sept 2019): Nederlands and Francais translations kindly provided by zsuda were added.
Edit (Jan 2020): New entries for Ohla, Siren and Kashtan trees added (thanks to p-dehnert for the alert and to HPL for corrections to several Francais entries).
Edit (Oct 2022): A web page attempting to explain the name codes in the Pofig speedtree series, kindly provided by JAGG. http://www.doug56.net/MBC_2010_Assets/page23.html
Edit (Nov 2023): This thread designated as a "Sticky" in the Surveyors, Operators & Engineers forum. Thanks to Zec Murphy.
Edit (Nov 2023): Thread title generalised to "Russian creators" instead of RMM, and "name translations" instead of just "English translations".
Edit (Sept 2024): Added Russian names in Cyrillic script (thanks to oldman777 (see post #155 and Post #156) and JAGG (post #161).
Edit (Sept 2024): Added Español names to the table, thanks to Francisco (Frank_Dean).
Edit (Nov 2024): Italiano names added, thanks to Carlo (Pendolino).
~ Dino

Russian/Русский (RMM) | Russian/Русский (Pofig) | English | Deutsch | Nederlands | Francais | Español | Italiano |
Abh | Small series | Kleinere Gewächse | Kleine serie | Petite série | Plantas pequeñas | Serie piccola | |
Akacia - Акация | Acacia | Akazie | Acacia | Acacia | Acacia | Acacia | |
Buk - Бук | Beech | Buche | Beuk | Hêtre | Haya | Faggio | |
Bereza - Берёза | B | Birch | Birke | Berk | Bouleau | Abedul | Betulla |
Derevo - Дерево | D | Tree | Baum | Boom | Arbre | Árbol | Albero |
Dt - Мёртвое дерево | Dead tree | Toter Baum | Dode boom | Arbre mort | Árbol muerto o seco | Albero morto | |
Dub - Дуб | Dbl | Oak | Eiche | Eik | Chêne | Roble | Quercia |
Pikhta - Пихта | Fir | Tanne | Zilverspar | Sapin | Abeto | Abete | |
Egevika - Ежевика | Blackberry | Brombeere | Braambes | Mûre / Ronce | Zarzamora | Mora | |
Elka or Yel' - Ёлка or Ель | El or E | Spruce | Fichte | Den | Épicéa | Picea / Árbol de Navidad | Abete rosso |
Evkalipt - Эвкалипт | Eucalypt | Eukalyptus | Eucalyptus | Eucalyptus | Eucalipto | Eucalipto | |
Gr - Трава | Gr | Grass | Gras | Gras | Herbe | Hierba / Césped | Erba |
Gr_rogoz - Трава Рогоз | Grass Cattail | Gras, Rohrkolben | Gras Lisdodde | Herbe Quenouille | Espadaña / Hierba Totora | Erba Gatta | |
Grusha - Груша | Pear | Birne | Peer | Poirier | Peral | Pero | |
Ingir - Инжир | Fig | Feigenbaum | Vijg | Figuier | Higuera | Fico | |
Iva - Ива | Willow | Weide | Wilg | Saule | Sauce | Salice | |
Kamish - Камыш | Reeds | Schilf | Lisdodde | Quenouille | Junco (planta) | Canneto | |
Katalpa - Катальпа | Catalpa | Trompetenbaum | Trompetboom | Catalpa | Catalpa | Catalpa | |
Kashtan1 - Каштан1 | Chestnut | Kastanie | Kastanje | Châtaignier | Castaño | Castagno | |
Kashtan2/3/4 - Каштан2/3/4 | Horse Chestnut | Kastanie | Kastanje | Marronnier | Castaño de Indias | Ippocastano | |
Kedr - Кедр | Cedar | Zeder | Ceder | Cèdre | Cedro | Cedro | |
Kiparis - Кипарис | Chy | Cypress | Zypresse | Cipres | Cyprès | Ciprés | Cipresso |
Klen - Клён | Kl | Maple | Ahorn | Esdoorn | Érable | Arce | Acero |
Kust - Куст | K, Ks or Kt | Bush | Busch | Struik | Buisson | Arbusto / Matorral | Cespuglio |
Lavr - Лавр | Laurel | Lorbeer | Laurier | Laurier | Laurel | Alloro | |
Lipa - Липа | Linden | Linde | Linde | Tilleul | Tilo | Tiglio | |
Magnolia - Магнолия | Magnolia | Magnolie | Magnolia | Magnolia | Magnolio | Magnolia | |
Mandarin - Мандарин | Mandarin | Mandarine | Mandarijn | Mandarinier | Mandarino | Mandarino | |
Olha - Ольха | Alder | Els | Erle | Aulne | Avellano/ Aliso liso | Ontano | |
Oleandr - Олеандр | Oleander | Oleander | Oleander | Oléandre / Laurier rose | Adelfa / Nerium | Oleandro | |
Oreh - Орех | Walnut | Walnuss | Walnoot | Noyer / Noix | Nogal | Noce | |
Osina - Осина | Aspen | Aspe | Esp | Tremble | Álamo Temblon | Aspino | |
Osoka - Осока | Water soldier or Carex | Wasseraloe | Zegge | Carex | Pita de agua | Carice | |
Palma - Пальма | Palm | Palme | Palm | Palmier | Palmera | Palma | |
Persik - Персик | Ph | Peach | Pfirsich | Perzik | Pêcher | Melocotonero | Pesco |
Platan - Платан | PL | Plane | Platane | Plataan | Platane | Platanera / Bananera | Platano |
Riabina - Рябина | Rowan / Ashberry | Vogelbeere | Lijsterbes | Sorbier | Serbal / Fresno de Montaña | Sorbo / Frassino | |
Siren - Сирень | Lilac | Flieder | Lila | Lilas | Lilas | Lillà | |
Sosna - Сосна | S | Pine | Kiefer | Pijnboom | Pin | Pino | Pino |
Thuja - Туя | T | Thuja | Thuja | Thuja | Thuya | Tuya | Tuia |
Topol - Тополь | Poplar | Pappel | Populier | Peuplier | Alamo / Chopo | Pioppo | |
Vinograd - Виноград | Grape vine | Weinrebe | Wijnrank | Vigne | Viña | Vite d'uva | |
Vyaz - Вяз | Elm | Ulme | Iep | Orme | Olmo | Olmo | |
Yablonya - Яблоня | Apple | Apfelbaum | Appel | Pommier | Manzano | Melo | |
Yasen - Ясень | Ash | Esche | Es | Frêne | Fresno | Frassino |
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