Speed trees. How many is too much?

Don't pack it in yet Deane. You're needed now, and for years to come.;)

~snip~ The bad thing about games like FC4 is that they show how far ahead all the big game producers are in terms of graphics. ~snip~
Not necessarily.

~snip~ And when you finally get back into Trainz and see the ugly Speedtreez and same old stuttering and alpha-rendering problems, well it's hard to accept.
There are ways around it.

Here's an FC4 Ubisoft PR shot from from this Guardian article.

The scene shown would be pretty easy to create with my Trainz setup (apart from the bloke with the big weapon). The background peaks look like a backdrop, but could be done using the terrain tools and TrainzTuner. Some of my mountain stuff looks similar in both landscaping and distance. The mid distance trees could look a lot better than the ones they've used here (I don't care much for the unreal looking orange/green foliage mix).

I didn't mean I would cease creating things permanently, but only until I've finished playing Far Cry 4. I'm living on about 5 hours sleep per night as it is, I don't think I could exist on less!😁
I didn't mean I would cease creating things permanently, but only until I've finished playing Far Cry 4. I'm living on about 5 hours sleep per night as it is, I don't think I could exist on less!

Good hear Deane! I just watched that trailer. Looks pretty cool. I don't blame you. :)
Geez, I guess I am stupid. I thought, how silly of me, that SPEEDTREE meant that they were designed for high FPS, but reading this post shows me the error of my ways.
Not all speed trees are created equal. It depends greatly on how the creator went about making them. Ultimately, FPS is more a factor of how much money you've dumped into making a "Gaming Computer" rather then what assets you use. It just works out that if you like Smooth Graphics, and have cheaped on your computer (Or its more then 3 years old), you have to use less resource intensive Assets.

That said, if all you care about is high FPS regardless of Computer stats, use Billboards, and stay away from Splines.

The FPS doesn't bother me for my computers, they can handle it, but I am trying to keep the FPS high for the route I am building because I plan on uploading it when it is finished and I am trying to cater to all.