South East ,Ireland

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Temper son, temper!

You really are making an ass of yourself by your contempt, arrogance and smart alec attitude - even though i tried to give some reason. Fools very often do not see such attitudes themselves so do have a squint in the mirror as you have a short fuse and think you are something. That you do not think much of what i doing re Ireland says a lot and I feel sorry for you.

Dear oh dear, I did think that might be your unfortunate answer and attitude rather than be supportive although i did hope you were not as far up yourself as previously shown. -just as short a stance as those you would condemn! You have made it abundantly clear that you do not support my Trainz efforts for Ireland and what a sorry person you are! Thankfully I am not of the same mood. Unfortunately you are putting up with me doing a big project for Ireland and gets up your nose rather than be supportive which is a sad state. One would have thought you would have risen above the blinkered and very irritant nature in being for my efforts. Anyone with any sense of common decency would assume you might at least have appreciated what I am doing but no you do yourself no good in a dismissal attitude. However in copying me is interesting so do feel free to add all the lines I have done and those in the pipeline!. You are saying much about yourself and rather immature temperament and a direction I will not go. You and your aggressive pal seem well suited. On Trainz matters I have always been reasonable and indeed complimented you last year here but thought you would rise above things. Indeed I mentioned a peace pipe which you also ignorantly ignored and now everyone knows that. If I was as of the mindset being shown, I would give up the damn thing I am doing but that would disappoint the more reasonable people here. It is still an option of course but trying not to go in that direction. It is also just as well forum members don't know some of the attitudes expressed by you in private.

Finally, on threads I will add what I want and tough as that is my right and as you have totally ignored my Irish programme feel free to follow the same ignoring of my comments. - so be it! :) Thank goodness you are no longer in Scotland and that Belfast is stuck with you and for everyone else I will try and stick to my Irish activity and hope you don't mind a fool who actually had a greater place in outside life than my detractor. :hehe: !
Ok first of all thanks for all your advice regarding saving my route and backing up files but Im afraid all was lost so Ive started again but since I have a good memory Im nearly back to what I was at, but in future Ill be uploading my route one section at a time just to make sure, for those wanting to know the first section will be Wexford-Enniscorthy in the 1900s era.


And just for the record, Even though RJ has created alot in the north and to Dublin, I havent seen any photos of his Dublin Line whereas Ive seen PFX's route which seems very detailed plus he has the actual Dart Models, but I cant really pick sides till I see the actual routes on the DLS.....
You will see my pictures shortly FiachraIR and looking forward to seeing what people think as I have put one h of a lot of details in what I am now doing on the IR. More than happy to do so and not get as uppity as that fool of a fellow Scot living over in NI. Do hope he is more sensible with his mouth where he works and advisable! In fairness good that he is following my lead :he:he: Glad I still have a sense of humour and just as well he was never in front of me in Court! For all that he says he betrays his inner self poor man! Having been over there from Glasgow taking notes on the NIR and scenes that a trainzer living there recognised one would think that was more important.

Anyway away from gnashing teeth in Belfast, I can assure you that you will not be involved in the daft tussle and when I do give a link to pictures you will find that my Cold War associate is not the only one to give much detail hence time taken by me. In many ways perhaps more so that I did in my Belfast scenery. Most of the scenery from the approaches to Connolly and west abobe the canal to Phoenix park and to parts east of the approaches are in place and of course everything all the way to Howth. Watch out for announcement on my Irish News thread and hope that you and others may think what i am doing is worth doing.

Non tartan Scot in Glasgow...!
Im sorry RJ but what you said about PFX's work and the argument that followed is just not acceptable!!! you have successfully ruined this thread that was initially about the South East and my work to make a route there, People are just not going to be bothered reading this mess that is above!!! Whats worse is that theyre not going to continue reading the updates of my route after this so thanks again for ruining this thread!!! Regards Maturity, PFX although annoyed with your comments continued to want this nonsense to stop but Ohhh No, you just had to keep on typing about pure utter rubbish!!! PFX even sent me a formal apology even though I could completely understand why he was annoyed with your comments!! So did I get an apology from you???? NO, OF COURSE I DIDNT!!! A PM regarding photos and a comment saying that you will leave!!! WELL I BLOODY WELL HOPE SO!!! BECAUSE I DONT WANT TO SEE YOUR NAME ON THIS THREAD EVER AGAIN!!!

I, an Irishman , may only have a sword but I will fight the cannons, the muskets and the pistols, win or lose for I will inspire others to follow me and we will win once and for all......!!!
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I was NOT criticising anything your influencer has built and have said so on forums before and was pointing out without a hammer his attitude and temper with me. So much for you wanting to stay out. It is obvious what is going on behind the scenes!

Well tough boy. As I have laid track across Dublin to beyond Pearse and thus the south east your geography needs a boost! Anyway as you are obviously easily influenced and following the same background as pfx and DomSarto mentality so be it. That is obvious by your equally silly comments. It has become obvious that me accepting your neutral attitude was wrong and you are just acting like them. Unfortunately you do not know all the details but I would remind you that I entered this thread as it is "South east" and I have started that direction and it was the bullishness of your pal that led to the unfortunate clash. So much for you wanting to stay out of it. You didn't even have the sense to see that pfx was deliberately keeping me at a distance on the forums forhis own non-Trainz political corner which you have made it clear you are following. We live in a free world and no-one has the overall corner on issues! When one looks back my comment to pfx was hardly a Third World War thing but on a modest entry but the three of you are going bananas on non-Trainz stuff. I have deep connections north of the Border and I also have 2 cousins south of it served in your army so don't give me any crap about you and your sword and that being an Irishman stuff as that betrays something discussed behind the scenes. Thank goodness I don't have the temperament of the 3 of you who don't give your corner a very good impression (!).

You can get on with your thread and just ignore me no matter what the other two tell you. There is not reason for this to close. I will having done the 6 NIR lines in Ulster will do the 3 OR lines of my Eire project and maybe add the South east Line as well now. Maybe when i get this done you will the 3 Irish musketeers try and avoid downloading it as was done by a Briton (not nationalist inclined) with a sword too! Good luck to you and I am sorry you have joined the other two on a partisan basis.

Hopefully after reading this let it go and get on with the thread and not fall back on emotional and needless stuff and best wishes to you.
Having done the 6 Ulster Lines and working on 3 Eire ones i may add more in time radiating as I am presently doing from Dublin. In a moment of common sense one does hope that the effort will be appreciated nevertheless?

You can always see the news on my thread on Irish News without compromising yourself lad. No need to a knowledge this and get on with the thread and ignore me! :)

Thanks for your input.
What can I say RJ? To this point I haven't posted a comment because your contributions thus far have not been worth addressing (as I stated) however, enough is enough. I am now sick of your constant lies, insults and threats and your parochial opinion of all things. I think if I recall, I took exception to a patronising comment (you may wish to look 'patronising' up as you don't appear to know what it means) you made about what work I am doing. Your comment was unwarranted and irrelevant in the context of this thread. You have continued along this line, quite without cause given my previous responses, and now you have turned on the OP too. For the record, I have said nothing to Fiachra "behind the scenes" as you put it, other than to apologise for being the catalyst for the mess your rabid posts are causing.

I'm not going to go through your previous poorly written rants as they more or less say the same thing, but let's have a look at your latest irony-filled effort. Before I do, also check the definition of sarcasm as I intend to use it and I wouldn't want your tiny mind getting all confused and thinking I love you or something.

I was NOT criticising anything your influencer has built and have said so on forums before and was pointing out without a hammer his attitude and temper with me. So much for you wanting to stay out. It is obvious what is going on behind the scenes!

Nobody has thus far claimed you were criticising my work, but however you think you see it, it reads as having a snide pop at me, as you have done on a number of other ocassions on this and other forums, where I have made no comment. As for my attitude and temper, you should read back through this thread. I am not the one who has been posting preposterous nonsense, nor have I lost my temper thus far. I just don't understand how you can be so blind to your own hypocrisy so please don't you dare be so facile as to claim the moral highground.

Well tough boy. As I have laid track across Dublin to beyond Pearse and thus the south east your geography needs a boost! Anyway as you are obviously easily influenced and following the same background as pfx and DomSarto mentality so be it. That is obvious by your equally silly comments. It has become obvious that me accepting your neutral attitude was wrong and you are just acting like them. Unfortunately you do not know all the details but I would remind you that I entered this thread as it is "South east" and I have started that direction and it was the bullishness of your pal that led to the unfortunate clash.

There's that 'patronising' thing again. Have you looked it up yet? As you never tire of telling anyone who bothers to read your posts, you are laying track here, there and everywhere, all from a tiny shed in Glasgow without internet access or running water. Quite where domsarto comes into this is beyond me as nobody but you has mentioned him.

So much for you wanting to stay out of it. You didn't even have the sense to see that pfx was deliberately keeping me at a distance on the forums forhis own non-Trainz political corner which you have made it clear you are following. We live in a free world and no-one has the overall corner on issues! When one looks back my comment to pfx was hardly a Third World War thing but on a modest entry but the three of you are going bananas on non-Trainz stuff. I have deep connections north of the Border and I also have 2 cousins south of it served in your army so don't give me any crap about you and your sword and that being an Irishman stuff as that betrays something discussed behind the scenes. Thank goodness I don't have the temperament of the 3 of you who don't give your corner a very good impression (!).

How would anyone else know if I was keeping you at a distance on the forum? Notwithstanding your paranoia, I'll happily admit I have had you blocked for a long time and I can assure you, it is nothing to do with politics, yet it is you who brings that into the thread. For your sake, I explained in simple terms what my gripe was. Your response, or should I say responses, border on the ramblings of a madman. Again, I'd draw your attention to the fact that that domsarto is not involved in this thread, nor has he been on any others for some time. Are you simply stupid or just so paranoid that you're seeing patterns where there are none?

I'm really pleased you have such deep connections here. It fills me with a warm glow or something, either that or I just wet myself.

You can get on with your thread and just ignore me no matter what the other two tell you. There is not reason for this to close. I will having done the 6 NIR lines in Ulster will do the 3 OR lines of my Eire project and maybe add the South east Line as well now. Maybe when i get this done you will the 3 Irish musketeers try and avoid downloading it as was done by a Briton (not nationalist inclined) with a sword too! Good luck to you and I am sorry you have joined the other two on a partisan basis.

There's that paranoia again RJ. Please point to the post on this thread where domsarto has said anything. Oh that's right, he hasn't! In fact he hasn't posted anywhere on a forum for some considerable time so you may want to ask yourself why that is before you start mouthing off about him? Have you done 6 NIR lines in Northern Ireland and are working on a project in Ireland? I'd never have guessed as you don't ever post about it. Must be really hard working on a route in another country? I'll wager no other Trainz users do that.

Hopefully after reading this let it go and get on with the thread and not fall back on emotional and needless stuff and best wishes to you.
Having done the 6 Ulster Lines and working on 3 Eire ones i may add more in time radiating as I am presently doing from Dublin. In a moment of common sense one does hope that the effort will be appreciated nevertheless?

Sage advice indeed. I'll eat my hat if you're able to abide by it. Have you done 6 NIR lines in Northern Ireland and are working on a project in Ireland... I don't doubt someone will appreciate your effort. I'm sure you're doing the most, ever for the Irish rail scene ever. Far more than I or any other mortal could manage.

You can always see the news on my thread on Irish News without compromising yourself lad. No need to a knowledge this and get on with the thread and ignore me! :)

Thanks for your input.

You're more to be pitied than laughed at RJ. You sit there and wax lyrical about how you're being wronged, cast aspersions on me and anyone else who dares to question your opinion, and yet your sheer arrogance seemingly blinds you to your own words, such that you don't even see you are doing all the things you accuse me (and anyone else who has the audacity to argue with you) of. While I couldn't care less what you think about me, nor you I I'm sure, I do care when you make these thoughts public. I also care when you bring people who aren't even here to defend themselves into it. I do care when you are writing remarks about me which, quite frankly, border on slanderous. I could easily lower myself to your level but I won't.

While I don't want, nor expect a reply, I'll be pleasantly surprised if you're able to resist taking to your keyboard and battering out yet another maniacal post on a public forum. If you want to cast further doubts on any aspect of my character, please do it via PM.
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It took me so long to read everything and I don't have the time to send a proper reply as I have to be in Waterford to raise a 40ton boat but also can't be bothered to reply as it won't make much difference anyway.

But I will say this, RJ, I was Neutral for quite a while but with these comments its been hard not to stay Neutral. These comments don't benefit anyone other than yourself and are completely off topic from the South East of Ireland, Instead of an apology you still continue to argue that you are right and that everyone is wrong. Although PFX has made some good points, I wouldnt say I agree with all them.

For those who are wondering what the heck is going on here instead of topics on the South East, there will be a new thread sometime in the future.......

Slan Leat agus go raibh mile maith agat
What you choose to suitably ignore is that you have some very direct, arrogant and self-opinionated vies expressed to me by PM which the forum does not know. The sudden switch of this thread starter and his comments on Ireland also says something else that he hasn't realised he has admitted! . You are only doing the usual and being so full of yourself and opinions and although everyone else is not fully aware I can but say that I have as much damn right as you or anyone! That you very subtly try to illustrate me as going bananas is another self-righteous and even a sense of humour is beyond you. I had tried to move on from last year but your holier-than-thou stance is something else. For someone who is so keen on rail over there on Trainz that you studiously ignored my peace pipe last year and never made any comment on my project is obvious. I do trust that some of the stuff sent to me you will try to refrain from repeating it as doesn't fit in with the majority of people where you now live. Must admit in the broader state of things found things funnier than you did. The thread starter has informed much of his silliness over his remarks on his Irishness which was not needed and very immature especially with my family connections north and south. Well done in your recruitment, haha! By all means do what you wish along with your two pals and the thread starter can go on with his thread re Southeast Dublin which is part of my project!

I am no runner away and neither were my covenanting forbears but thanks for your input anywaypfx and good of you to not restrain yourself and contribute. Due a compliment for that in all openness. Unfortunate the way things went but that's life. Must get on with the southeast bits, Dublin and the other IR lines. Enjoy your build :cool:
For six hundred bleeping years, grown men have been murdering each other and young children, wives and sweethearts have been killed and maimed for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, over this kind of stupid, childish quarrelling that embroil the Celt, the Gael and the British. Indeed, the fighting has been so fierce, there is not a family alive in Ireland that hasn't lost members through the "troubles" that raged through six centuries and beyond.

In Ulster, we have a slender hope of a lasting peace - so much so that I have recommended to several American and Canadian tourists as they pass through Heathrow that they should set their sights sampling some grand Ulster hospitality in Carrickfergus, Ballycastle, Portrush and should drink a pint or two with the locals in Belfast or Londonderry next year. Tourism grows the economy and creates jobs which are much needed in the Ulster province. When I see how easily folk are riled, it does kind of make me wonder if the jobs and prosperity would be deserved................

Gentlemen, (I assume), I don't know, and at the end of the day it doesn't really matter to the rest of us Trainzers, what private messages were exchanged. Please can I ask all contributors to remember this Trainz of ours, and our interest in the Irish railway heritage, is a pleasant pastime and intriguing hobby and should bind us together in friendship. Just for once, let's forget how cruel the British were in the dark days of yore, let's forget the "glorious" deeds done by King William and let us move forward with our shoulders to the wheel together!

Put away your swords, furl your battle colours, shake hands and let's get back to the wonderful "Five Feet Three Inches" Irish Railway scene!
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Thread closed. We really don't need the personal attacks or 'political' attacks on these forums.

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