Tony's original comment about subscribing to Trainz Plus ...
... may have opened up a new issue.
Perhaps Tony's words have been misinterpreted. I would read his statement in the same light as ...
"Some of the new features in TANE have also been used in TRS19 so purchasing TANE has supported the development of TRS19"
...not as the statement ...
"If you bought TANE you should get a copy of TRS19 for free".
When TRS19 came out there were some posters who insisted that all TANE owners should get a free upgrade.
However, the comment ...
... may have merit but I have no knowledge of the economics of such an option. Perhaps a seamless transition from paying the Trainz Plus subscription to paying the TRS20xx subscription with no price increase may be a more feasible option?
Just thinking out loud (and I promise not to use the term Mud anymore)
... effectively pre-paying for TRS20xx features, and supporting us in getting those features developed, tested and released.
... may have opened up a new issue.
Here is the question. If I get a Trainz Plus subscription does that mean when TRS202x comes out do I get the full retail version?
Perhaps Tony's words have been misinterpreted. I would read his statement in the same light as ...
"Some of the new features in TANE have also been used in TRS19 so purchasing TANE has supported the development of TRS19"
...not as the statement ...
"If you bought TANE you should get a copy of TRS19 for free".
When TRS19 came out there were some posters who insisted that all TANE owners should get a free upgrade.
However, the comment ...
Considering that your Trainz Plus members are paying for the development of your software, I think it would be prudent for subscribers to unlock the latest version of Trainz to keep after paying into the program after a pre-determined amount of months.
It only makes sense to reward your subscribers who are paying for the devlopment with a copy every one in a while. You still end up with the same or more money compared to someone buying it at retail.
... may have merit but I have no knowledge of the economics of such an option. Perhaps a seamless transition from paying the Trainz Plus subscription to paying the TRS20xx subscription with no price increase may be a more feasible option?
Just thinking out loud (and I promise not to use the term Mud anymore)