I've planned a layout based at a Ski Hill, as some MAY already know. I'm going to be using Cyberstorm's content, and if you have suggestions do post them here, please!
That's the problem :-( I need suggestions, lots of suggestions, so I can build it! I know nothing about building Ski Hills, so any suggestions before I start building shall be appreciated.
Remember FC2, you said any suggestions, and I have a suggestion - but you may not liiike it!
EDIT: Excuse me for a minute, you know NOTHING about building a route called Ski Hills, yet you are ASKING people for suggestions to build it.?? YAAAAWN
No, but suggestions like station names, how many lines there should be (there are going to be multiple systems) scenery and texture suggestions, trackmarks, drivers for the demo session,etc. (Hey! Just because other people have asked for layout suggestions doesn't mean I can't ask for some, does it? )
And No I am NOT asking for people to do the work for me. I've created countless numbers of layouts, surely you're not thinking I'm too lazy to work on something I like?