Screenshots of my extension from B-Project

Great work! It is a amazing for me to see what the B-Project route becomes with the eyes of somebody else... :)
thank you for the nice words, i will continue... ;)

interested in some new screenshots? here they are...

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Ottimo lavoro, Asser!! Altri screen, prego !!:):)

Ciao da Roberto

@roberto: Ringraziamenti per l'elogio, mile grazie ;)

I'm back on the northern part by the viaduct where i have added a chateaux and some more vegetation... but have a look yourself

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Here are some pictures from my latest version (transfered to TRS2006, test round with the VT18 from interior)

What should i do? Make a version for TRS2004 and/or TRS2006? I have the international DVD version from TRS2006, not PTP

FSP was faster, thank you FSP :o

btw: i hope i can finish the map this weekend.... stay tuned :D

Best Regards
My extended Map "B-Project extended" is now available on the DLS. Have a look at the following Link:

It is not yet my final version with a session, "only" alpha 01 but i hope you will have a look anyway :rolleyes: . Please feel you free to send me comments about the map, but NOT ask for sending content to you.

I have the permission from Darkdan for the upload to the DLS, thank you again Darkdan for this masterpice. Like the original Map there is a lot of content outside the DLS, but i think it is worth the extra work of search.

Here are some more shots:





You can find 3 places for a easly extension of your own. The following features are new:
  • on the main river you can now use a boat for a sightseeing trip
  • a small country airport with some old airplanes and invisible tracks for a aerial exploration
  • abandoned industries and tracks
  • more working industries

Unfortunately the lock does not work yet, because the high of the invisible track does not match... (old pictures from my testing trip)



Best Regards
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In the German Thread about my map we have found some issues that are not yet correct:

- the station at marker "3" is not connected to the track
- the turntable on the big port is not connected to the track

this issues will be corrected in the final version. if you find more issues, please report them to me

here are some more pictures

small village

country life

lunch time on the marketplace:D

some landscape

welcome to the small aviation field
