Didn't see any nukes used in Ukraine, they haven't used any in Syria, in fact, the only country to use nukes against a civilian population is ............... U.S.A.
You hit the nails on the head so to speak BLACKWATCH! When someone else has the nerve to be independent of you-know-who, tut, tut!
I presume that you are referring about the 2 retaliation airstrikes, on the violent expanding warring axis Country regime, that was quickly taking over the Pacific Countries, and had been warring on China for decades, hell bent on global conquest ... and the last straw was, after they struck Pearl Harbor in 1941 with a totally backdoor surprise attack, unprovoked premeditated act of war, using hundreds of Zeros ... after 4 years of horrific Pacific war, a decision was made on how to stop the axis unstoppable global conquest. Civilians were the collateral damage, as the 2 A bomb locations were carefully selected, and targeted steel plants, shipbuilding, and war time manufacturing plants. So don't get it twisted, misconstruing it, that wiping out civilians was the objective target, as this was not the case !
Had a single enemy destroyer or fleet been the optional intended target of the 2 atomic bombs, the 2 planes: "Enola Gay", and "Bockscar", probably would not have been able to spot such a small ship in the vast expanse of the huge Pacific, and the airstrike would have been detected, and intercepted by Zeros, and would have been shot down ...
Even if a small portion of the axis fleet, or a single aircraft carrier, had been selected as the target of a successful bombing operation ... it would have seemed to the enemy, like a puny M80 firecracker tied to a rock, dropped in the Pacific, making a gigantic geyser plume of water ... a laughable bombing mission, not deterring the enemy one bit
Yes I must admit that: Justifiable Genocide was a kind of a bit of an excessive overkill (so to speak) ... "But what goes around ... Comes around" ... and the 3 axis Countries that started the warring in the first place, with unprovoked premeditation of global conquest war ... and war is not a: "kinder and gentler thing" at all, to an invading enemy ... as the axis started the war in the first place !
I suppose that we should have instead, given them a precise warning beforehand, telling them the exact intended location, time, and date, that the airstrike would be taking place, dropping "Get The Heck Outa' Dodge" warning leaflets, so they could have evacuated to the surrounding hills and enjoyed the fabulous "Grand Finale Fireworks Show, of Shock and Awe" ... like what was fabulously displayed to Baghdadian's
War is not pretty !
So the: "nail was hit on the head" (so to speak), with our biggest GD sledgehammer possible (I agree it was not such of a subtle slap on the wrist, but was instead a gigantically huge: "Oh Damn" ... "You din't just" ... "Can of Spam in a sock, to the head" ... Oh ... "Smooth Move Ex-Lax" ... but moreover the harsh deadly message of: "surrender the global conquest, or face certain death and annihilation", was driven directly home to the homeland of the invaders.
And if the outcome had been different ... You and your family most definitely would not have survived the axis global conquest, and you would not have your own Country's flag flying over your own soil today ... and we all would be goosestepping and siege-hieing to a dictatorship world, and speaking a different language today, and eating Schnitzel, Sushi, Spaghetti, Caviar, and Cuban cuisine !
Let's not: "Git' things twisted sister" ... The US does not invade Countries, and steal their oil ... We buy it from them ... And we did not invade Hawaii ... we were welcomed there as an Allie, and the islanders so much loved our GI rations of Spam, that it is still a staple delicacy there, even today. Agreed ... we have had too many worldwide "police actions" in many Countries that are acting totally uncivilized, conquering their neighboring Countries ... Perhaps we should separate ourselves from the rest of the world ... and we should instead just solely defend our own homeland, and sit back complacently and watch the rest of the World go to pieces, being over run by little "pee on" dictators ? As Britain was once on the verge of total annihilation, had we not stepped in on WWII.
I fear that several Countries with noo-clee-ar' capabilities (not directly mentioned, but includes: "the one wit' da' guy wit' the goofy standing up hair doo") are very soon going to overstep their boundaries, and invade, and occupy large portions of the World ... and when Jerusalem falls ... all hell will break loose ... and all the missiles will be in flight !
Answer me this: "Who is it exactly, that Russia intent on "keeping out" by installing offensive (non-defensive) Nuke Trains ? When it is obvious that: No one in their right mind, actually "wants to get into", to invade their Country !
In conclusion: I have read up allot on WWII, (and I am planning on reading up more about the causes of WWI) ... I want to offer my apology for my insensitivity to casualties of all the wars that the US participated in ... It is totally disgusting ... the topic of War
It seems that the several worldwide monetary depressions, and the "Great Depression", were caused by a collapse of worldwide economics, where all Countries currency was virtually worthless, no jobs, no fuel, starvation ... and Countries were forced into conquering, other Countries, so as to survive ... No coal, no heating timber, no heat, no nothing ... The only survival alternative was to war other Countries, and survive on the reaps and pillaging of war.
The US carried out many many bombing raids (that thousands of B17, and B29, and other bombers, never returned to base, MIA/KIA), that had the only intent of: Incendiary bombing, and airburst (fuel air mixture) bombing with napalm and phosphorous, cluster bombing, ... etc ... with the only intent of causing the most massive casualties of civilians ... This does sicken me !
But war is, what it is ... don't start one, and you won't feel the pain and repercussions ... war is, reducing your enemies blood pressure to zero ... lets not have war