Rude Rail Simulator community and Don't expect gMax for it!


Southern Steam Railroader
I would like our fair community to be aware of how rude the Rail Simulator community is. I went to ask if there would be a gMax plug-in. They said no. Trying to convince them, I pointed out that their "documentation" said otherwise. It says they will make exporting plug-ins for commonly used modelling programs. I then put a thread in their suggestion forum about making one. This, for some reason, enfuriated one of them. He rudely said that RS would not support gMax and start throwing out a bunch of crap. This event caused me to discard the community and gMax and is my only grudge against the sim.:(

I am not trying to bash the sim (I love it), but their community is rude and it sucks.

Long live Trainz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:udrool: :udrool: :udrool:

Smilies, where are the frownies?
I would like our fair community to be aware of how rude the Rail Simulator community is. I went to ask if there would be a gMax plug-in. They said no. Trying to convince them, I pointed out that their "documentation" said otherwise. It says they will make exporting plug-ins for commonly used modelling programs. I then put a thread in their suggestion forum about making one. This, for some reason, enfuriated one of them. He rudely said that RS would not support gMax and start throwing out a bunch of crap. This event caused me to discard the community and gMax and is my only grudge against the sim.:(

I am not trying to bash the sim (I love it), but their community is rude and it sucks.

Long live Trainz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:udrool: :udrool: :udrool:

Smilies, where are the frownies? got 1 less than polite response from 1 person who has nothing to do with KRS and all KRS users and the community are rude????
At least they didn't ignore you...

8) devtools, supports Blender, Gimp, 3dsMax, 3dCad.....about half'a dozen Gui's...

Several are free, however the best are payware, of that group.

That's the whole point, gmax, is free, and capable. You have to know how to use it, and there has to be a licensed gamepack made, but the lack of AutoDesk support, scares people off...gmax works!

Not the end of the story...give it a while...
That guy sounds like a real rude person,but dont hate the community for it I would just say ignore the,rude people and thay may stop,but if they dont go to another train sim forum for help.
hope that helps;) ...

Gmax plugin

"Submitted by SR6900 on March 21, 2008 - 3:04am. Well if you want content from me and the many other TRS creators who use gmax. We will need a plug-in."

"Submitted by Basherz on March 21, 2008 - 10:23am.
Then you'll be out of luck!! How the hell do you think "Ice" & others have converted all thier stock to RS.

"Submitted by SR6900 on March 22, 2008 - 3:06am. I said GMax not 3DSMax. There are the few who have 3DS that can do that, but most of the community only has GMax. I could really care less what Ice has done, because it's a European. I'm talking top quality American content. There are many good creators out there who don't wish to spend two grand for a modelling program which minus rendering capabilities is pretty much the same. There's also no way to convert GMax models to Blender or 3DCanvas without having access to 3DS or other payware stuff. I have a freelanced model I am making for RS, probably one of my best meshes ever, but will be unable to create it without a plugin. It's probably going to be for Trainz. I will not send it to anyone for conversion, because it's too much hassle and the only person I would trust with my models that has 3DS is exclusively a Trainzer(I like to tryout other sims). Why leave out such a widely used program? It seems as if you all don't want a substantial sum of quality creators. I'll probably be an exclusive Trainzer if RS dos not make the plugin. Our community is a lot more polite anyways. Everything I've got here has been presented to me in a rude way and also everything has been negative."

"Submitted by Basherz on March 22, 2008 - 8:57am.
Quite simply because it is a totally unsupported program. GMax is dead, deceased, and the owners of it have given up!

"Submitted by B1ggless on March 22, 2008 - 9:06am.

Statement from Autodesk re Gmax
As of October 6, 2005, Autodesk will no longer offer Gmax® software as a stand-alone product. If you are interested in other 3D animation, modeling, and rendering applications from Autodesk please check out Autodesk® 3ds Max® software"

It appears that you were being the rude party in that conversation.
8) devtools, supports Blender, Gimp, 3dsMax, 3dCad.....about half'a dozen Gui's...

Several are free, however the best are payware, of that group.

That's the whole point, gmax, is free, and capable. You have to know how to use it, and there has to be a licensed gamepack made, but the lack of AutoDesk support, scares people off...gmax works!

Not the end of the story...give it a while...

Actually it is the end of the story .. this was done to death a loooonnnnggg time ago .

GMax is dead, deceased, and the owners of it have given up

Uhh yep, it's you who's being rude. You asked a question and got a reply, what more do you want? The Trainz Asset Creation Studio was released long before gmax was abandoned, that's why we're able to export from gmax. Whilst I agree that it would be very helpful if RS had a gmax exporter, the only way this will happen is if a third party creates it. RSDL have far better things to be doing at the moment, such as working on the next patch and producing the excellent addons we are seeing. It's hardly reasonable to expect a new simulator to officially support a CAD application that's been dead for three years. Next we'll be getting people complaining that RS doesn't work on windows 98 :hehe:. Turbosquid (who now host gmax) have even removed the note on their site that tells developers to get in touch if they want to create plugins or exporters, THAT'S how dead it is.

If I'm not mistaken, Blender is free and 3D Canvas is pretty cheap.

Ok then let me toss this out there...
I noticed somewhere on this site was a place to download gmax, 3dsmax but cant find it now. What happens when surfing and not bookmarking.
Also read where you will need a licensed prod to export into trainz?

Now the above post mentions blender...can you build rolling stock/locos for TS06 with blender? And im taking it that Blender is also freeeeeeeee?

Now the above post mentions blender...can you build rolling stock/locos for TS06 with blender? And im taking it that Blender is also freeeeeeeee?
Blender is certainly free, but can't export directly to Trainz. This is not a huge problem as you can save as *.3ds and get your model into GMax and export from there. Animations and attachment points have to be created in GMax as far as I know.

Blender's interface is just plain weird but makes perfect sense after a while. The program generally is far, far more capable than GMax and is constantly being improved. There's an excellent wikibook on Blender here:

...maybe there aim is too high...

8) 3dsMax, the venerable do-all, be-all, in the game content creators mind, cost US$3,500.00, unless you enroll into a community college.

AutoDesk, is giving no quarter, on that. The re-sellers, are all under contract to the same retail price, although I have had the demo lately, and it was offered at a US$150. discount.

I interpret "support," as meaning "tutorials," and gmax, I've found, has a lot of support, from the Gamepack subscribers forum communities, to the Turbo Squid gmax forums.

gmax itself, is finished, but a long way from being dead...several studios have developed gamepacks, I think the license to use the product is the only roadblock.

Clearly, some may not wish to bother.

There are several other "acceptable" programs, but gmax is still the best...for free!

Gmax, is 3dsMax, without about eight features, most which are not needed, using the gaming engine(Auran/Jet).

As tight as Autodesk is, I can see why they abandoned it!
I think the market is different. Trainz is very much user created, I think RS is more payware buy your route cds here.

There is no central download area, just a suggestion that you use a particular forum at $40 a year.

Also I don't think they have the in depth knowledge that Trainz has built up in the forums.

Yes the textures are nice but I don't think 3d canvas will cut it for the ordinary creator. Their Blender exporter seems to have been built by some one else so we should be able to do something there and that should give us a rough parity.

It's taken Trainz quite a long time to come as far as it has and to build up the expertise and tutorial side and I don't think that is going to happen in RS. MSTS2 will be aiming at the same market so they have a limited time to establish themselves before becoming outdated.

One more comment on GMAX, for one reason or another I seem to get involved with other people sorting out things etc. I've noticed that pure GMAX items tend to be much lower poly than some of the items I see created in other tools. It's taken us time to work out how to use it to get lower impact models but I think its a bit like assembler language it has a learning curve but in the right hands it gives you much more control.

I honestly think Trainz has created its own niche and it will be difficult to dislodge it.

Cheerio John
Gmax, is 3dsMax, without about eight features, most which are not needed, using the gaming engine(Auran/Jet).
Unfortunately the missing features are the reason it's almost impossible to create professional quality models using GMax and the reason why I think that Blender is the way forward. It is possible to create superb models using only GMax but it's really hard work and a lot of the really good models available have been created using Max, at least for the mapping and texturing. Don't underestimate the importance of rendering and especially texture baking.
