reskinning problems with the newer bnsf sd70ace

im trying to resking the later version of the sd70ace in bnsf paint into up but when i load it up in a pain program this is what i get
and ive tried it on different paint programs like...
and gimp but its the same thing
what do i do about this and how do i fix this
Just asking:
Did you read the config.txt file.
You may not have permission.
Textures may somehow be locked
What is the kuid id.
im trying to resking the later version of the sd70ace in bnsf paint into up but when i load it up in a pain program this is what i get and ive tried it on different paint programs and gimp but its the same thing
what do i do about this and how do i fix this

In Paint.Net. select Adjustments / Transparency and make sure the slider is fully to the right (Opaque).
Better question, are you opening the .tga files? If you aren't opening .tga files, you're wasting your time.
I would be glad to take a look at it. Where did you get it and what's the Kuid number?



*Presumably*, hes referring to this piece of Payware: <kuid2:45324:100242:2>. Which, again, presumably, he got from JointedRail after buying it.

I will say, its not like its unheard of for Payware Content to be encrypted.....

Though in this case I'm more inclined to say you're looking at the Map (IE the file that tells the game where to put each pixel of the Color Scheme on the model) Rather then the Color Scheme itself..... I would hazard a guess and suggest that this probably has to do with layered Skins, Alpha Channels/Textures, Gecko Scripting, and any number of other possible options.....

What I think were seeing in the Checkered Grid pattern above (If you look closely you can see shapes in it, if they're not apparent, you need new glasses, or you're just blind, try watching the Pic above out of your peripheral vision as you scroll up or down over it), is a 3D image flattened into a 2D one.... But this is speculation. Skinning is NOT my strong suit (I've already mentioned on here Dressing Carcasses doesn't do it for me... Plus, Im really bad with colors generally speaking...).

What I think were seeing in the Checkered Grid pattern above (If you look closely you can see shapes in it, if they're not apparent, you need new glasses, or you're just blind, try watching the Pic above out of your peripheral vision as you scroll up or down over it)

Which is why I think the transparency has been turned right up. If it's used in the model in a form that ignores transparency, then it will display OK in the model, but appear blank in the editor.