

I was just curious if anyone actually rode through the ENTIRE Razorback Classic route. That thing is 240 KILOMETERS! (By the way, anyone know what that is in miles? Used to Imperial here.)
I was just curious if anyone actually rode through the ENTIRE Razorback Classic route.

Yup I have and love it!

That thing is 240 KILOMETERS! (By the way, anyone know what that is in miles? Used to Imperial here.)



Yes, many times - but never yet all in a single run!

Our longest activity is "RBR/JA01 Long Freight" in which you run from Lewisham to Port Hunter. It's available for free download for TRS2004 SP4 or TRS2006 SP1 (free registration required). Sorry, I don't know the distance but it takes quite a while to complete!

There's a schematic map of the Razorback Classic layout here.

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Yes. I'm pretty sure every line (Except some sidings :p) have been covered by myself running steam locos. I've run Hunter to Lewisham then to Norris Green, then down to Altona and back to Hunter.
Oh yes, and I've run Jetsreamsky's/Alex23's Jet Train. Try 10 minutes to go from Hunter to Lewisham... Atleast I think it was 10 minutes...
I am a little naive in these things and am still learning about TRAINZ:confused:. I have version 1.3 and have recently obtained the RB 30D and RB 30 E scenerios from the DLS which uses RB 3.2. This has the Northern and Western loops from the look of the schematic map. Is the rest available in v1.3?? EDIT P.S. The join date has me listed as Nov 06. That is in-correct. I was up to around 30 posts in the forums roughly from memory, so have been around a bit longer than that. Just not on the Forum for a while.
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To get the other parts you would need to upgrade to TRS2004 SP4 or TRS2006 SP1.

We still have some old scenarios available for download for the original Trainz and UTC (Ultimate Trainz Collection). They're free of charge (free registration required) but we can't offer any official support for them.

Thanks John, I thought that would be the case but one has to ask these questions. I have a copy of '04 just not the computer to run it at present. This is to be remedied soon I hope.:)