Rail Transports in large volumes!!


Since 2001
Rail transports ...

What type of loads do flatbed transports?
Post a screen shot or link or what's your suggestion or comment?!

This thread is more or less to get ideas from what people have seen or know about rail transports!!!

Thanks for your feedback if any!!!
I second the pumpkin idea.
But, for a change, howa bout a 89ft flatbed, with 2 prime Movers as a load? Like 2 EMD 567s or ALCo 251s, chained and tarped.
That'd be cool.
Hi Ish,

I live in Johnstown where they used to build freight cars. I was stopped in my car at a railroad crossing and saw a shipment of new gondolas being shipped on flat beds. Where is your camera when you need it?:o Anyway Rolling stock as a product or locos as a product would be really cool in Trainz.
Hi Ish,

I live in Johnstown where they used to build freight cars. I was stopped in my car at a railroad crossing and saw a shipment of new gondolas being shipped on flat beds. Where is your camera when you need it?:o Anyway Rolling stock as a product or locos as a product would be really cool in Trainz.

Excellent suggestion .... I see what I could do since it's possible -- just need to fine a large and long enough flatbed for it!!

When I do it I'll drop you a PM so you can see the screen shot!!:hehe:

There are several things that Trainz flatcars can carry already.
Have you seen my thread "Interesting Loads". If not, check it out.
Several if not all of the shots in there are on flatcars.

Heres a quick link to the thread...


Yeah I know ... :hehe:
Actually I have posted there a few times ... :D

I am asking here for things that you have seen in the real world because I might bring that item to trainz!:hehe:

All in all, thanks for the insight!:wave:

8) ...and don't forget, you have to create it up, or chain it down, strap it, use dunnage boards to keep it from moving, etc!
Hello Ishie, I have seen steel coils and aluminium ingots in Trainz, but I've not seen any beer kegs...They used to be transported on flatbeds many years ago, covered with a net to keep them stable, you could get them 4 or 5 high on special keg holders to keep them from toppling over....Just a thought.

Cheerz.. ex. :wave:
Hello Ishie, I have seen steel coils and aluminium ingots in Trainz, but I've not seen any beer kegs...They used to be transported on flatbeds many years ago, covered with a net to keep them stable, you could get them 4 or 5 high on special keg holders to keep them from toppling over....Just a thought.

Cheerz.. ex. :wave:

Hey Ex,

Show me a picture if you got one please.:wave:

Hey Ex,

Show me a picture if you got one please.:wave:


Ermmmmm, now that's a very good question young man....:hehe:

I will have a real good look tomorrow and Saturday, but can offer you this piccy for any ideas. It's an American rig, but I'm sure you get the idea...In Britain we used to lie the kegs sideways and stack them on top of each other. Obviously, we had to keep within the restraints of tonnage being carried on the road by law, so the maximum weight carried was usually about 20 imperial tons. On the railway, they used a 30 foot long flatbed container with a steel headboard and loaded the kegs on in batches, all the major breweries in the UK used them for rail transportation in the 1970's, 80's, and 90's, but they offered a quick load/unload process from the brewery to the railhead depot by road and then train all over the UK to other railheads and then road delivery to warehouses, cash'n'carry outlets, etc.

Cheerz. ex.

Ermmmmm, now that's a very good question young man....:hehe:

I will have a real good look tomorrow and Saturday, but can offer you this piccy for any ideas. It's an American rig, but I'm sure you get the idea...In Britain we used to lie the kegs sideways and stack them on top of each other. Obviously, we had to keep within the restraints of tonnage being carried on the road by law, so the maximum weight carried was usually about 20 imperial tons. On the railway, they used a 30 foot long flatbed container with a steel headboard and loaded the kegs on in batches, all the major breweries in the UK used them for rail transportation in the 1970's, 80's, and 90's, but they offered a quick load/unload process from the brewery to the railhead depot by road and then train all over the UK to other railheads and then road delivery to warehouses, cash'n'carry outlets, etc.

Cheerz. ex.


Thank -- I know what I am going to do now!!:hehe:

I have upload 70+ items from buildings to visible loads, but Auran has taken forever guys -- so I'll let you know went they hit the DLS!!

Superb screenies -- I will certainly do those as products --- 3 of which are easy!!!

Thanks for the links!!!:D