Problem with route & BR Prairie in T:ANE.


I have Skipper 1945's BR large prairie 51xx installed on T:ANE (Build 76401), and until yesterday
was working perfectly. This morning, when I started T:ANE it decided to carry out some sort of
task to the DLS (which took half an hour), and when I eventually started, I found that the route
I was working on was completely wrecked and the large prairie is now faulty.

- Dependency <kuid:2:116296> is unknown.
! LoadE2MeshObject> 21 chunks in IM.txt file: class51xx_loco_body/
! This asset uses an obsolete trainz-build number. Trainz-build numbers below 3.5 are no longer supported.
! Indexed meshes are not supported for traincars as of trainz-build 3.8. It is recommended that you upgrade 'class51xx_loco_body/' to a LOD mesh.
! LoadE2MeshObject> 21 chunks in IM.txt file: class51xx_loco_body/
! The texture 'class51xx_loco_body/gls.tga' is a uniform color.
! The texture 'shadow/black small.tga' is a uniform color.
! The low-detail meshes total more than 500 polygons. This may have a negative impact on performance.
- Image file 'class51xx_loco_art/class51xx_loco_art_icon.tga' is incorrectly used as both a texture.txt source file and a raw image file.

Does anybody know what could cause such havoc overnight?
Grateful for any ideas.
Cheers, Dick.
I don't know what could have occurred unless someone "fixed" the asset which worked before. I've had that happen with updates.

This is the problem that's causing the error:

Image file 'class51xx_loco_art/class51xx_loco_art_icon.tga' is incorrectly used as both a texture.txt source file and a raw image file. and the problem is easy to repair.

- Right-click, and choose Edit Config.txt in Notepad. If that doesn't work, open the asset for editing in Explorer and edit the config.txt in the regular fashion.

- Change the referenced. class51xx_loco_art_icon.tga class51xx_loco_art_icon.texture.

- Save the config.txt

- Close the explorer window if necessary (if you edited in that fashion).

- Submit (Commit) the asset by right-clicking and choosing submit.

Thanks for the reply. I've solved that problem, but I'm still left with the unknown
dependency problem, which is strange, as it is Skipper's ID number.
Cheers, Dick.
Hi Dick

I've just installed this loco (kuid:2:116296:16747:4) into T:ANE and have no missing dependencies. It is for build 2.9 so I would check that you have the latest version installed. This is the first loco by skipper1945 that I've installed in T:ANE so the dependencies are all on the DLS. It just had the easily fixed error shown above.

If you post the number of the missing dependency I can tell you what it is.


Hi Kennilworth,

Thanks for your reply.

The missing dependency number is 2:116296.
The T:ANE build is 76401.


Hi again Dick

Unfortunately you haven't given the second part of the kuid which would identify the actual dependency so here's a list of skipper1945s dependencies in this loco. they all begin with "kuid2:116296:"

120:3 GWR loco lamp built in
360:4 GWR steam driver on DLS
16718:1 BR 51xx front bogey on DLS
25258:1 uk steam fireman v2 on DLS
167718:1 BR 51xx drivers on DLS

Hope this is of some help.


Thank you Brian for your reply.
If you check in the errors box at the top of this page, you will note that it only lists
2:1162296 and nothing with it. I went to the DLS in T:ANE, put this number in,
all I got was 'Unknown Dependency'.
I don't understand this at all, it just does not make any sense at all.


R-Click the loco in Content Manager, open for Edit Config File, and look for an entry that says 2:1162296 (both in the main body and in the kuid table at the bottom), and delete it. Then Submit Edits. If it then shows a missing dependency, just DL it.
Found the problem. I was trying to change the interior, which, for some reason
is kuid:-3:10187, which is Auran's PB Tank Interior. Now, in the GWR version,
the interior kuid is 2:116296:51451:1, which is the correct interior. But, when
I put this number in the BR version, it won't accept it, and this was causing the