Problem seeing my custom consist lists


New member
For some reason I am not able to see my custom consist lists. I can select a custom list in the Global Consist Library V2. I can add and remove consists to that list. I have it selected as the list that I wish to use, but when I open the Quickdrive menu and choose new train the only consist I can see is the default Surveyor list. I have a "sandbox version of TS12 on my computer and it is doing the same thing. I feel it must be a setting I have set but I am unable to work out what it is I must have set.
I have downloaded Global Consist Library V2 from the DLS.
I would appreciate any suggestions that anyone cares to make.
Instead of using custom consist lists, create a consist asset for each custom consist. Clone an existing consist to create a new one using Content Manager, and change the Config.TXT file (Ctrl+Shift+E, then double click to open it) by replacing the KUIDs with your custom consist, adding and removing units as needed. Keep the rest of the file unchanged. Close and save the TXT file, close the Explorer window, and commit the new asset (Ctrl+M).

Start by adding an engine to one of the consist that doesn't have one. Then branch out into completely new consists.