How do I rename a consist?


New member
I am working in S20 and have made some consists, saved them without problem, I can put them in my picklist and I've even worked out how to delete them. But not how to rename them.

My workaround is to put the consist down somewhere and with the whole consist selected, click on the contextual menu on the loco and save as a new consist with the changed name. I then delete the old (identical) consist.

I am hoping that someone may know of a better way to achieve this! (Couldn't find anything in previous threads so maybe not possible?)

Thanks, Stu
As far as I am aware you cannot name an entire consist, only individual rolling stock items. In Dispatch Manager consists are identified by their number (consist 29 for example) or their driver (e.g. Dave). The only exception to this is the identifying name you can give to a consist when you save it as a consist in the assets palette. That name only exists in the palette and is not transferred when you add the consist into the Trainz World.
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Thanks pware for your reply. Yes, it is only the identifying name of my made up consist in the assets palette that I am trying to rename more easily. I am not concerned with the consists name in the Trainz World (just yet), its just to help me identify my own consists easily when placing them in the World. Do you know how I might rename my consists more easily? Thanks, Stu
.. what i do :
- changing username in config.txt ..
- change to toolsmenu / surveyor classic : trains f7 / trainz mode / get consist -> rename ..

.. renaming consist in surveyor 20 directly, i don't know either ..
renaming consist in surveyor 20 directly, i don't know either
You can rename any individual object in Surveyor 2.0. Just select the object with the Free Move or Fine Adjustment Tool, open the Info Palette (if it is not already on the screen) and type in your new name in the Name dialogue text box followed by the Enter key.
.. that's correct pware .. as you say : individual object .. but not the consist name .. thank you anyway for all your wise advices .. i learn a lot from you .. respect .. 🤜
.. what i do :
- changing username in config.txt ..
- change to toolsmenu / surveyor classic : trains f7 / trainz mode / get consist -> rename ..

.. renaming consist in surveyor 20 directly, i don't know either ..
Thanks zsuda, yes changing to classic works! That will work for me - Much easier.
You can rename any individual object in Surveyor 2.0. Just select the object with the Free Move or Fine Adjustment Tool, open the Info Palette (if it is not already on the screen) and type in your new name in the Name dialogue text box followed by the Enter key.
Ah, I see the info palette (in S20) - I keep forgetting that is there! Even with the whole consist selected, the info panel shows only the name of the last vehicle clicked. Interesting that Classic shows the consist name as zsuda describes, but S20 does not. Thankyou all for your help with this. My question has been answered.
What about using Classic Surveyor for this?

Click on the wheel icon.
Click on the consists tab.
Type in the name of the consist, or scroll the list until you see it.
Click on it.
Click rename and OK.
The only way I know to change the name of a consist in S2.0 is to re-save it with a new name.
Place the consist on the track.
Make a change to the consist if you wish. I often add or remove rolling stock. This is optional. You can skip this step.
Choose the Move tool or the Fine Adjustment tool and select a vehicle in the consist. You don't need to select the whole consist. Any vehicles coupled to the chosen vehicle is saved as part of the consist.
Then click the tiny menu icon that appears over the vehicle and choose Save to Consist Asset...
Give it a new name and click OK. I normally add my initials to the name so I can search for them in the Assets palette.
The Save to Consist Asset panel has the option to overwrite but I have not discovered how to activate those options.
If you don't need the old consist anymore then find it in the Asset panel and right click and choose List Assets in New Window and a new CM windows opens showing the consist. Right click it and choose Delete from the menu. S2.0 will update to show it gone from the Asset palette.
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The only way I know to change the name of a consist in S2.0 is to re-save it with a new name.
Place the consist on the track.
Make a change to the consist if you wish. I often add or remove rolling stock. This is optional. You can skip this step.
Choose the Move tool or the Fine Adjustment tool and select a vehicle in the consist. You don't need to select the whole consist. Any vehicles coupled to the chosen vehicle is saved as part of the consist.
Then click the tiny menu icon that appears over the vehicle and choose Save to Consist Asset...
Give it a new name and click OK. I normally add my initials to the name so I can search for them in the Assets palette.
The Save to Consist Asset panel has the option to overwrite but I have not discovered how to activate those options.
If you don't need the old consist anymore then find it in the Asset panel and right click and choose List Assets in New Window and a new CM windows opens showing the consist. Right click it and choose Delete from the menu. S2.0 will update to show it gone from the Asset palette.
That's one convoluted way to achieve something that takes 20 secs. or less using the old standby. That's modernization for ya!

I also put my initials after anything I create or modify to make finding objects quicker
The only way I know to change the name of a consist in S2.0 is to re-save it with a new name.
Place the consist on the track.
Make a change to the consist if you wish. I often add or remove rolling stock. This is optional. You can skip this step.
Choose the Move tool or the Fine Adjustment tool and select a vehicle in the consist. You don't need to select the whole consist. Any vehicles coupled to the chosen vehicle is saved as part of the consist.
Then click the tiny menu icon that appears over the vehicle and choose Save to Consist Asset...
Give it a new name and click OK. I normally add my initials to the name so I can search for them in the Assets palette.
The Save to Consist Asset panel has the option to overwrite but I have not discovered how to activate those options.
If you don't need the old consist anymore then find it in the Asset panel and right click and choose List Assets in New Window and a new CM windows opens showing the consist. Right click it and choose Delete from the menu. S2.0 will update to show it gone from the Asset palette.
Thanks, wreeder. Wanted something quicker than that roundabout method! I then immediately place the newly named consist in a pick list named consists which I find works for me. Cheers, Stu