Problem: Graphics, sounds AND downloading.

Hey, I have a copy of Trainz 06 that I have had for over a year now, for a long time I did'nt have any problem with it, but latly it has been more then a little.

The first problem to occure was the mutation of the train graphics. All trains gets deformed when looked at in sertan angles, this also happens when inside the engine compartment. It does'nt happen all the time, but often. Then there is the sound, but only the locomotive engine sound, which has a tendensy of going away after about 15 minutes of playing. It's anoying to drive around silently only hearing birds and industry along the way whitout any sound what so ever from the engine.

But last, the really big problem, and the one that I want help with the most is the downloading one.

Cause my game works all fine when I install it (apart from the problems above), but whenever I download something, anything at all, the game does'nt work anymore. Every time I have downloaded something, the game simply clicks when I hit the start button in the startup window. the button is clicked, but from there NOTHING what so ever happens.

To me the game is pretty useless now, as there is so much more to explore out there on the internett, while I'm stuck with the standard stuff that are getting a little boring...

Anybode know anything? Please help, I need to get back on track! ;)
Set your sound hardware acceleration down to 3/4 or abouts....that should help the sound problem.