Portals: trains lost when session saved


When I save a session while driving in order to return to it later, I find that any train that happens to have gone into a portal set to be returned by an adjacent portal just never returns. This is never a problem while in session, only when I save the session and then return to it. It seems the train gets lost in the portal when the session is saved.

Are there any solutions to this that anyone might be aware of? Or should one just no use portals?

Many thanks
It is possible that when the Session Driver Game is saved the status of consists held in portals is not saved. I had a similar issue a few years ago with the Hide/Show status of layers not being saved in the Session Driver Game "soup" that took several version releases before it was fixed (I think I was the only one who complained about it).

Portals do have a few issues that only became obvious after the introduction of the UDS - for example a consist running in a Session layer (the recommended method for consists) that goes into a portal will later be returned in the same Route layer as the portal instead of its correct Session layer. This may have always been the case with portals but was never noticed until the UDS was introduced. I do not know if this has been fixed.

There was another issue with deleting some portals from routes - a result of how those particular portals were constructed. Again I don't know if this was ever fixed (it was a portal creator problem - the Auran and other portals had no such problem).

I don't use portals for the above and other reasons.

Put in a bug report including all details at https://n3vgames.typeform.com/to/xRdryu
One thing to do is check that no trains will be entering a portal soon, then wait the amount of time that the portal is set for a train to return. You can then safely shut down and save the session. I like to hit pause before saving.