Popular MPS maps?


Well-known member
Hello all.

I love playing multiplayer games, and I've been itching to play some MPS with others. I am wondering if there are any specific maps that get played frequently? I’ve tried 10-plus different maps but every single one has been empty. Is it just a matter of finding the right map or has MPS just been a dud?

(Maybe if this thread catches on it could be a way to keep up on the popular maps 😉)
I think all the MPS maps are available from the route menu. As you have seen they are not much to write home about. Maybe if TRS25 allows users to create MPS routes there will be more.
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I think all the MPS maps are available from the route menu. As you have seen they are not much to write home about. Maybe if TRS25 allows users to create MPS routes they will be more.
I thought you could create MPS routes?
From the SP4 announcement:
Multiplayer Surveyor Route Export
Create your routes online using Multiplayer Surveyor then export them to continue using them offline. Enjoy the flexibility to upload and download routes to and from MPS anytime with Trainz Plus. A new Publish Route to TCCP option is found in the Sharing Menu for TCCP Route export.
Just curious if I’m misunderstanding this quote.
If you have been accepted as a member of the TCCP program then that option is available in Trainz Plus. I'm not familiar with how it works. But the TCCP program is for DLC creators so I assume that feature is designed to allow a team of route builders working together on a route using MPS to then export it for packaging into a DLC package for sale on the Trainz store. I don't believe that feature is intended for the average player to use.