

I have played Trainz since I was 6, bootloading it from a Windows XP-partitioned eMacintosh, now I am 25, thankfully though I have upgraded lol.

Throughout the 19 years I have played this game there have been been many revisions that I've been lucky to expierience, from actually being able to play it on a Mac OS to the addition of railcar physics, trainz has always been my favorite game to play and when I learned to create content from it it was even more favorable.

However there is one thing that even over the past 19 years has not changed at all, and although it wasn't anything to me at first (mainly because I was 6 and it was also like, 2006?)it has now become such an issue that I'm not even sure if I'm going to be to willing to continue using Trainz and dedicate HDD space (in my case an entire 1TB drive, yeesh) over something that even ROBLOX, the child-oriented brick-based online platform that I have played since I was 8 has gotten better, and for a number of years now too, and that is the lighting engine that is used in Trainz.

In Trainz (like literally every version), there is only one source(s) of light, if there is more than 1 source(i.e. multiple locos) it is only under specific circumstances and even then it still occurs to the same source class(locomotive front light)
Either 1 or several locomotive(s) with its a.Frontlight attachment point facing the same way as its driving direction that must also have a driver placed on it and be 'running'
The sun.

I am honestly quite shocked that not only the core lighting engine has been visually the same since probably the games introduction and has looked the same since I've been playing all these years, but you meddling coder-kids have gotten away with it too!

However, I do understand that the team at Auran is small and you can't do everything at once.
However there are things you need to focus on that you guys have been neglecting for too long, because as a simulator game in 2024 at the price that its at with its incentives it offers looks visually much worse that a free online children's game, and that's coming from someone who has played for 20 years.

But the cherry on top for me is the abolishment of derailing trainz not only is it even less realistic but in my experience with cars derailing in the newer versions is all the triangles from separate train cars ending up in one place bogs down my system until my Alienware Area 51M-R2 crashes and restarts.

Until then I'm canceling my subscription (that'll show em! 😂) and until y'all can enlighten yourselves (and me!) with a more realistic lighting system you guys can find me and my weird Snowperiecer/subway traintrams on ROBLOX.