Poll: What are your online habits?

Which types of websites do you visit AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK?

  • Trainz

    Votes: 144 94.1%
  • Other rail related sites

    Votes: 93 60.8%
  • General news sites (newspapers, portals)

    Votes: 73 47.7%
  • Computer games sites

    Votes: 44 28.8%
  • Other hobby/sports sites

    Votes: 39 25.5%
  • Social networking sites (dating, Myspace etc)

    Votes: 19 12.4%
  • Gambling sites

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • E-commerce sites (Auctions, online banking etc)

    Votes: 56 36.6%
  • Entertainment sites (movies, music etc)

    Votes: 34 22.2%
  • Other (Please specify in the thread)

    Votes: 21 13.7%
  • PC/Technology sites

    Votes: 51 33.3%
  • Cars/Boats/Planes etc

    Votes: 13 8.5%

  • Total voters


Trainz Plus - enjoy Trainz from just 20 cents a da
Since you are about to vote in an online poll, chances are you spend time on other websites. Today we are exploring your online surfing habits. This relates to your "spare time" habits - i.e non-work related surfing.


Edit: Added PC/Tech & Cars/Boats/Planes options (and moved a couple of votes into those categories)
Also, if your "thing" doesn't fit into a category and it could be called a hobby, then vote "Other hobby" rather than "Other"
Last edited:
Other: mainly free legal music download sites (Jamendo, WE7, etc) and reference information sites (Wikipedia, etc).

my 'other' would be computer hardware sites such as Toms and Anandtech.

I also check Hotmail daily and look at car news sites often.

Other: PC tech sites.

And Tony, before you ask; two ply, quilted and the extra large roll!:eek:

Usually anything to do with restoration work and spare parts tracing for Veteran Cars & Autocyles.

Also keeping track of the worlds earthquake and volcano activity.

1 - Military-news sites, a bit different than general news. I get email notices and check links of interesting items.
2 - Any site necessary for research needed to create something Trainz related. Given how much content hasn't been created, that's a lot.:) Sometimes I think I spend more time looking stuff up than creating or running TRS.
Trainz, Computer stuff (Checking in on updates ect.), Computer game stores, Other (Music sites mainly but other things as well)

I'm a virtual railroader fanatic. I visit 3 or more train sites dozens of times a day. I will occasionally play another game and visit at their site but I always end up at a train site within a day or two.
I gotta have my trains and am awaiting the release of MSTS 2.

Other Hobbies. Photography forum, Photocamel to be precise, its as friendly (if not more) as in here :D

I do visit a lot of other sites but that is the only other regular.

Cheers David (who really is starting to wonder if tony has lost his marbles :p )