while i'm an all of the above, i'm also both more and less. probably the 'gamer' part least of the lot.
model trains were my first love from when i was not even one year old.
the real ones i grew up on and around. my father was telegrapher/towerman/clerk most of his life (most of the assignments he worked incorporated all three job descriptions), and i even worked for the sufferin pathetic myself for a year or so, back in the early 70s, as an equipment apprentice in maintainence of way.
the more is in my seeing guided ground public transportation in all its forms, past, current and yet to be imagined, as a way forward into the future, as much and more then a relic from the past. not in ancestral forms of course, nor entirely, though quite possibly resembling them to signifigant degree.
the automobile, it is my impression, much as there is so many seem to find to love about it, will likely not always remain practical as the primary means of transportation for the majority of people. this for many reasons, many of which, it is of course political to currently deny.
so the thing is, seeing guided ground in some form, or many forms, to answer the diversity of needs in diverse locations, my thoughts and visions are not limited to any nostelgic attatchment to the past, though i must admit a certain love for the aesthetics of the tecnology, but every and all means by which it can be taylored to fulfill this role.
hence my love for little people sized trains, i.e. narrow guage and very narrow gauge, not so much of the past, but of the present, recent past, and relatively near future.
i would add that my intrest in rpgaming is pretty much limited to simulating the kind of world i would rather be living in, a direction very much at odds with that which market forces ever has or currently as far as i know or can tell, seem to be pushing it.