Needing Assistance With The LNER A4 Nameplates

Hey, everyone! I know I'm not the first to write about this issue but I still want some help with it.

So the issue is that I type in a certain number for an LNER A4 locomotive but when I save the session with said locomotive, there's either no nameplate or a nameplate that says "Duchess Of Gloucester."

The software I'm using to try to fix this problem is but I'm not sure how or if I can even fix this issue with If anyone knows how to use to fix this issue or if I should use a different software, please let me know! I really would appreciate some help with this issue!
John, I believe it is <kuid:193148:1003> LNER A4 Garter Blue SBP by alex23. There is a tag that says "No." on the front right, but no default number, and I am not sure one would fit there. I don't see any other nameplate other than a Doncaster oval outside the cab. It does have art that shows a "Mallard" logo on the side near the front, and the .im file for the body has "Dutchess of Gloucester", but I don't see any way to change it, and it does not display in "Preview Asset"
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John, I believe it is <kuid:193148:1003> LNER A4 Garter Blue SBP by alex23. There is a tag that says "No." on the front right, but no default number, and I am not sure one would fit there. I don't see any other nameplate other than a Doncaster oval outside the cab. It does have art that shows a "Mallard" logo on the side near the front, and the .im file for the body has "Dutchess of Gloucester", but I don't see any way to change it, and it does not display in "Preview Asset"
Found it but I can't see the name anywhere. It uses .tga and .bmp so yes should work fine if you clone it and replace the words. It does show in TS22 PE by the way.

Realistically at version number 2, using a .pm for the shadow and having in excess of 38 texture files I might look for another loco.

Cheerio John
The .im file with "Dutchess of Glouster" is in the body folder, and the art with "Mallard" is in the art folder. I did not see actual image files of those names anywhere either.