Poll: Reading matter

How often do you read [b]Model Railroad[/b] magaziness?

  • daily or weekly

    Votes: 16 10.7%
  • every month

    Votes: 19 12.7%
  • most months

    Votes: 8 5.3%
  • several times a year

    Votes: 22 14.7%
  • maybe once a year

    Votes: 27 18.0%
  • not for many years

    Votes: 36 24.0%
  • never read one

    Votes: 22 14.7%

  • Total voters


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We know many Trainz fans love their model RR hobby. Today we explore who is reading about model railroading.

Feel free to post your list of favourite magazines.
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Well, I've subscribed to Model Railroader since the early 70's....since I'm a member of the NMRA, I also get their magazine too...:cool:
Read as in free read in the newsagents or buy it and bring it home? I voted on the latter, which is not very often at all. In fact these days there's so much more information on-line - and more up to date at that - I rarely buy magazines on any topic, unless there's an article of particular interest.
I used to read them but they don't seem relevant these days.

I do read http://www.railwayherald.co.uk/

and any virtual model railway mags that I come across. One or to have had some interesting background or a review of an item I hadn't come across such as the animated people? recently.

Cheerio John
I trust this includes the monthly catalogs.....

I receive from Walther's! I keep them in my "reading room", next to my porcelain "reading chair" and peruse them every time I sit down to "read". As I am a "regular" guy, that often amounts to several times a day.....:o
Model Railroader was my choice. I read it every once and a while. Anymore I'm too dedicated to other things than to read about a hobby I could never really get into.
...my favs...

8) I have a lifelong devotion to:

  • Railroad Model Craftsman
  • Model Railroader
and have enjoyed:

  • Railroad Modeler
  • Mainline Modeler
I was introduced to the first two, by my great uncle Harry Blackwell, about 45 years ago...

I was a member of the NMRA Southeastern Region, Piedmont Division, once.

I also visit the Model Railroader Forums occasionally, but consider it a conflict of interest, unless prototype info is needed, in my field of interest.
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Proud subscriber to Model Railroader.

I would highly recommend content creators grab a copy if they're looking for something to do, or get a subscription if they're always looking for something to do. Most issues will have some prototype stuff you can try out in gmax/Trainz, and every so often a nifty set of diagrams/blueprints will show up for a piece of rolling stock or a station or something that you can model.
I just subscribed to Model Railroader again this year. I'm also collecting old issues on Ebay. The older issues have far more prototype information than current issues. The "Railroad You Can Model" articles are great for ideas for routes.

I have several hundred issues of various railway mags at home, for the most part they are American ones, but I also tend to read pretty much any German publication; particularly Der Schienenbus and Eisenbahn Kurier. And I don't read them just for the pictures:p

I never buy one of this magazines.
Only PC-magazines like the C't here in Germany - www.heise.de/ct

But I know this http://www.modelleisenbahner.de/
I have some modellrailroad-books 8 or more.

For other things I have the internet and of course for my modellrailroad-map Trainz. The best program for Train(z):cool:

The last real modellrailroad map has I then I was 10 years old...
-It's to much expensive,
-you must have big place for it
-you must have a woman that like it
-you must clean it

In Trainz you only need this "TIME". Trainz is for me the sky modelrailroadfans dream of.
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Every once in a while I'll find a copy of Model Railroader in the bookstore, but it's getting to be harder and harder to find.

I also enjoy browsing the back issues of Finescale and Mainline Modeler that my late uncle gave to me.
I was buying and reading a selection of UK, USA and Aussie Model Train mags in the past, but I haven't really gotten into them lately. I start to buy Australia Model Railway Magazine with I first got into Trainz, but I know only browse the mag at the newsagents occasionally.

Besides I only look at the pictures ;)

Model Railroader
Model Railroad Craftsman
N Scale Magazine
N Scale Railroading

Always find something of interest.

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Our local library gets in each issue of Model Railroader each month so I have a quick leaf through them and if I see an article that I feel might be useful for Trainz I will take it home to read more fully.
