Placing speedtree's: any trick to choose a particular size?


New member
Hello folks,

I tried to search for answers, but couldn't find anything. If I place a speedtree and move it a bit, most 'flip' in size. So you see the tree, when moving, flipping from big/bigger/biggest so to speak. Is there any trick with keyboard control to get the say, biggest size at any time? Or do I just need to move/flip as long you get the size I want?

I don't really understand the question. I find the one I like, the size I like and plant it. I sometimes move to a place away from the track and view and then plant a forest. I then copy and paste this all over my route.
Just as an example, I want to place Tree Poplar 01, just 3 or 4 of them as a natural fence on a side of a farm (common in The Netherlands). I put 3, 4 of them, but their size are variable. I want to have their maximum size, but to achieve that I need to move the tree's a bit until I got their maximum size. Hope this clarify a bit what I'm looking for. That moving around in small steps is kinda annoying if you have a bunch of tree's waiting for an more or less equal height.
I know what you mean. It depends upon the Speed Tree. Some Speed Trees will change size because there are multiple sizes associated with the mesh and they will randomize between them so you don't end up with a bunch that are all the same size.

The alternative is to find fixed sized Speed Trees such as those by RMM for example, which you know are going to be the size you have placed. He clearly lists the meter-height in his trees, which is really helpful.
