Object rotation


Sphenodon Punctatus
Are there any secrets or tricks to object rotation?

The problem I have is this:

I am trying to line up two bridges (objects) across a harbour. I need one to be 90 degrees and the other to be 270 degrees. Using my mouse on the closest setting (zoom-in) that will allow me to rotate I can get either 89.9 or 90.2 on one bridge and 269.9 or 270.2 on the other. This may seem outrageously pernicketty but because it involves track the discrepencies show up very clearly. How can I get the bridges to line up exactly?



Hi Nix,
Are these not splines? I thought most bridges are splines and have never had trouble lining them up. If they are a dedicated solid object can you let me know the kuid numbers please?

G'day Bill, thanks for your interest.

Some bridges are splines and some bridges are objects with track attached. All of Master Trestle Builder Ben Dorsey's bridges are objects. If you're into Phil Skene's surreal layouts you should be familiar with the lift and swing bridges he uses; they are objects too:

As an example Bascule lift bridge 1 kuid2:60238:27201:1

The problem is if you use a coupla Ben Dorsey's bridges together (you'll need spline track to join them together) they must absolutely be aligned identically; if they aren't, because they are track, it shows up very noticeably.


To get fine control of rotation of a scenery object, hold the Ctrl key while rotating with the left mouse button. You can adjust to 0.1 degrees.

Rotating objects

Hi Nix,

Thanks for that, I don't use these bridges much because I mainly model British layouts. However I do have a harbour that could use something like that lift bridge.
Also thanks to Bob for the headsup on using the Ctrl. key. I thought it would be something like that.

Oh hooray hooray! I was just about ready to nuke the stupid thing!:mad:

Thank you chasps, I really appreciate your help.


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