Greetings Trainerz.. llebrez !!
-Bored!! Not at all.. love to here your side of the "Trainz Problem" and how "you" deal with the hole magnificent Trainz area.. You seems to have more problems sometimes or similar.. maybe in another ways.. However you´re more fast to take care of the problem in your way then I.. Witch I have thought of too, the part to go back to win7.. But Im determent to solve this in some way with win10, as I said.. getting used to win10 here now and had it since 29 of august or was it july.. what ever!! -Im trying to take the drivers to the front and se if i can manage it even more smooth AND without the graphics disturbance.. Hoping "every" time Nvidias relese of new drivers that shall be the next one to fix the GPU problems, or prevent to be worse at least.. I can also "reinstall" DirectX and openGL again and research further of other drivers in some way.. -But NOT to install the hole TS12.. for testing.. NEVER again!! It couses SOOO much trouble for my maps even how many librarys i save/backup to prevent loss of textures and more!!! -And I have more then 50GB in Trainz catalouge up to now so that is out of the question! And It´s not fool proof yet, all the backup thing! -Allways something missing, and allways missing depedencies what ever you do to prevent it! -All things downloaded and "works" in TS12 goes directly in a separate map and another HDD drive these days.. "works with TS12"

..and this is the way some time to go along with it!
-It seems to be a longshot for me, but i have nothing better to than wait it out, for the drivers I mean and if not.. I´ll go back as you do.. -Thanks för the tip by the way, make a partition and install win7 separatly.. -Good idea..! Had with earlier windows, more than one win in partitions seaquently, but when i started to have the system stable and "all installed" in my suitable way, then I quit the partition idea! ..But Im open for again! -For the couse of Trainz function of couse

Yea! I know it isn´t need to be more memory that you have.. But it went here spontanisly when i brought my new rig last year.. the thought was, never under 16GB ram this time.. well,, sales on 32GB "1866" was the result this time and i brought it..
Yea! EVERY TIME is the same problem when you brought a new version of Trainz.. Im so less and sick of it that and even as I said.. you backup, and backup, and backup librarys and more.. ALLWAYS is something missing for my map.. you´re right.. all things goes stright to H... Thats my worries about T-ane as you also add in txt.. But I miss many things in TS12 too, as I told you in last txt.. The lightning is one thing.. and shadows is one.. and the texture.. (you can go nuts of them) to make it an relistic view of the routes.. sometimes I give up, but next day.. damn it.. I will get it look good, and with some management and effort ..right into detail!!
No you´re right.. overclocking is no benefit.. The program does not couple with the "force" you can deliver.. it has it´s bottleneck.. do you say the same word!? Anyway.. the program can´t deliver enough to catch up with your GPU force and therefor slow sometimes..
I play the game World Of Tanks too,, do you?? Hope you heard of it.. nice game and free of charge to play over the net.. just an email address, and download the game.. -Just play!! A super game if you like to drive a tank.. A Sherman, a Tiger tank or some others russian big tank or even an japanese one.. Ralistic gunshots and effects in all.. and the surroundings, lights, texture.. everything there is, IS what I like in Trainz too.. the graphics is simply stunning!
Well, about Trains.. as you said.. damn it man!! I see were you live!! -You have your hole frontyard with "trains" ..Then I mean "THE" real thing and in the "trains-country" of all! ..Like steamtrains and more.. have you ever went to a trainfestival somewere in US sometimes..?? -I watch youtube often and I realize that they are festivals everywhere in US every year! Pitty, there isn´t here in Sweden too.. -We have, but not in those big format your conutry has.. They are a smaller steams here.. but still.!! Went along with one here this summer.. a short narrow gouge route.. Have it I think on my youtube site bigingo1 ..Love to see my favorite train someday in real.. UP844 ..I think it´s a nice "sight for sour eyes"!! -Hope you agree with me, if you´re that nuts that Im of couse in "Trains"!
-Can tell you a real and true story here.. :My grandfather did actually drive a steamtrain in the 1920:th ..He ended the driving when bus driving was more conveniant.. more warm inside cabin instead of outside in the winter in an open cabin steamtrain, was told to me! -So I got his old emblem pin that he had on his cap.. -A steamwheel with wings aside of it.. And Im so proud to have that in my possesion and his legasy back!
Use to laugh about it, and tell other that it´s in my genes.. -Have it om my more modern cap these days.. Thats me.. -A real Train Nuts!!
Well.. nice to chat with you again about Trainz problems and more.. and hope we can talk soon again!! -Over something..

Puting out pics now and then of my map as further it goes.. many corners of the map not yet photo taken!!
-Be well and go on with your surveyor skills you too..
Some more pics.. this time how the bad fenomen shows in TS12
-And some good workspace in between!!