*** Nvidia Support ***


Trainz Veteran
Hi.. bigingo here!!
I don´t in general see somewere that Trainz i particular supports from Nvidia and thair graphics card! Am I wrong??
-Sad to see when I check in to my Nvidia experiance support of games that NO what so ever any Trainz version is menched..!
Are you not co-operating with Nvidia at all?? :(

Another thing is.. Well! I did know early before win10 was out in the open and when I then gone over to Win10 that
my graphics would spoke my computer.. or even work at all with my TS12.. :'(
Thats also depends on Nvidia of couse same as above!!

I make maps (routes) and are reliable on graphics detail and a stable program in general!
When do we see that, after checking games support in Nvidia Experiance that Trainz come up in the list of games ?????

A real computer veteran!! And..
A real Trainz veteran!!
greetings all users from Sweden!!

bigingo :wave:
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I don't think Nvidia will ever list every single game that runs on its graphics cards. The ones listed tend to have the larger share of the market and are more likely to be identified by a potential customer who, on seeing that Game X is supported by Nvidia, will then be more likely to buy the Nvidia card.

What exactly does "supported by Nvidia" mean? Mostly it means that the game will run on an Nvidia graphics card. Trainz (all versions) runs on NVidia cards so it is "supported by Nvidia" even if it is not specifically named.

As an example: Shadowplay (part of the Nvidia "GeForce Experience") is a video capture program created by Nvidia for its graphic cards. It can be downloaded from the Nvidia web site free of charge but only works on Nvidia graphic cards. Shadowplay will give you a list of games it works with but does not mention Trainz as one of its supported games. However, Shadowplay works perfectly well in capturing Trainz videos.
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On my set up I have something called Nvidia control panel. It is in Windows Control panel, Hardware and sound. If you have it open it and go to "Manage 3D settings". Then to Program settings and look for "Select Program customize". It will show all the programs in your machine including T:ane if you have it. Because I see you have up to TS12, select the one for Trainz 4. While you are at this, go to "Adjust image with preview" and move the bar to the middle. You will not see degradation of quality but the game will (should) run smoother. Always when you change anything, push "apply" at the bottom. Oh!, if you don't have this Nvidia control panel, you can download it from their site. Is easy.
Thanks llebrez.. I´ve done all that and more.... but in my latest win (win10) it doesn´t help much beacuse they warned about some programs may even not wor properly.. before win10 come out :)And I notest that..
thanks anyway.. had pc since 80:ies so I have handle the most in computers.. tried to change some.. if not even all parameters in the control panel.. but it don´t help much...
to much flickering in grapics and Im soon going nuts about it.. before my free upgrade to win10 wasn´t there nothing to bader in the program TS12 like this now.. had my thoughts about to reinstall Nvidias driver for win7 instead...
Allthow.. my big map (route) is gettin little bit slow know even with 32GB of ram... ;)

thanks for the comment
Hi pware..!
I know what you mean and it´s probably so that you´re right about the listing.. but you never lose the hope about to see the "TRAINZ" in the coulumn under "T" ..notest that Train Simulator 2014 is on the list..
-So Im thinking why not Trainz too.. it´s about time.. from all the version who was relesed up to now..!!!
Tested the first Trainz of all here.. couse it had change alot .. but skipped some version.. since they not add some particular more intrested feature.. Even i TS12 is some old stuff put in!!
As a builder of maps (routes) it´s nothing much of new tools, some but.. I miss a lot of tools witch they easily could add if they manage a little in the program.. let´s say.. blending texture so you can get them as you want..
-Set some % how much you will add of the new color (texture) in the overlay.. over the present color I mean.. -So you easily can make the ground more like nature.. -Just one tip of all.. to day you have to sweep your circle in big to make it happend.. and you may have a "maybe" if you´re tallent enough, and to find the right texture of couse is also a clue!!
My Trainz12 folder is about 50GB size now and as I said, the program is getting slower now!! :) And MAYBE if Im tired of TS12 I MAYBE take a leep to the new ones.. it´s allways a risktaking.. couse every time I put in my maps to continue.. there ALLWAYS something goes wrong or MISSING in the maps.. even that I saves the library and more to prevent the impossible.. old stuff doesn´t work and lots more.. every time always the same

Thank for responding "pware"
Greetings all from Sweden

some pics to look at maybe.. :)

Early stages:

and sort of finnish maybe, not shure yet:




Wait a minute! You are going by the same thing I experimented a few weeks ago: Upgrade to W-10 and instantly I got into the same problems you have: Stutter and low frame rates. I downloaded the latest Nvidia drivers and got the same thing! so I investigated more and found that Nvidia has W-10 driver certified. I downloaded it and things got much better (low stutter). Next day I tried again and went back to low performance! Then I discovered that Edge (browser of W-10) is weak and got all kinds of malware! And I had to use Malwarebytes program to get rid of it. So, at the end Microsoft person send me a program to clean some fastidious viruses and an upgrade to make edge better (Lo'ts of people around here complained about the same thing!). Then just to try, I reverted to W-7. Trainz runs very smooth, both T:ane and TS12, and the regular browser has not been infected since then. So at this time I am back to W-7 for the foreseeable future. What is interesting is that I posted my problems here in the forums and pretty much was told I did not know what I was doing, even if prominent members gave their best advise. As a side note, T:ane has brought so much trouble, that I hardly use it. There are many things that make no sense, and so far with exception of improved graphic quality, I consider it another step backwards. I continue using TS12 (49922) that is proving to be very stable (Finally) .
Hi again llebrez!!
bigingo here, nice to here from you again!!

It maybe not so funny for you.. I mean with all the changing, it allways sucks to go backwards!! -I have thought about it to go back to win7 too..
-It seems to be the truth what I expected what Win10 was doing to my pc too..
-But I suspected it from the start and had it in my mind when I first started TS12 after my upgrade to win10.. The behaviour TS12 had, and right away it shown flickering textures in graphics on and off.. witch I never seen before in win7 as you too experienced.. Haven´t thought so much about the framerate.. It´s around 60bps at my pc.. Not the fastest.. but I also remember, I had much higher before.. around 80-90bps.. But I think in general, it depends so much about the surroundings how many GB you have too, witch CPU you have and lot more.. I recently moved the hole TS12 to an SSD I brought just to be faster in all..

I have now as I see it :( an old graphics card now, brought a few years back.. and my CPU (old) also now for that matter.. just a year back,, lol..
Here is the rest of my data.. We can compare if you like just for fun, not often someone at all, can compare with someone else and how your Trainz behaviour, if some have much lagging or if it runs smoothly! My Trainz runs smoothly I think, but I have to change settings all the time to see if I can have a better surveyor when I edit my maps!!
I make routes all the time, or maps as I call it in general.. tested of couse ro run some routes in the game.. but it take soooo long time to play.. Im more like for creating them.. you can see example in links at my flickr account:
Althow Im sad to say that it "is" a fact that win10 is trashing the program that we all like.. And more sad is that I become use to my win10 now.. :(
I don´t know if I should brought T-ane.. Im a little confused here if it´s so much better then TS12,, -You tell me!! Should I ???

Brougth my new pc a year ago.. but not my graphics card!!

MB:Asus Z97 Deluxe x64
CPU: I7-4770K
GPU: Asus Geforce GTX 670
Ram: 32GB
Power: Corsair 850RM
Case: NZXT Phantom 530 (Red)
and some SSD:s and HDD:s

Some pics uploaded to flickr and 2 maps are present!

Greetings from Sweden
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Hi: You bring many things to the table:

Frame rates: In practice, anything above 25 to 30 Fps, is sufficient for smooth train running (maybe TVG may need more?). If you limit the Fps of the game you gain a little on quality (you already know that).

SSD: I have used them for several years now. Big improvement. My next one will be an M.2 running at near 2Gb/s read rate. This will prove that stuttering is not due to HDD performance, but to the game itself. Don't confuse stuttering with frame rate.
I will be shot for this: Wait on T:ane. It is still improving with every "update". But downloading the updates could be a pain. I tried many times, and one good day, magic, the update came through for no other reason that it decided to do it (same setting and all that at my end). When you install T:ane, get ready for the shock of your life. Most of the very nice routes you are creating, will show with so many missing dependencies, terrain holes, and Oh! yes, missing tracks with two white lines for your trains Or what remain of your consists to run happily over patched terrain. It will take you a great amount of time to re-compose all. Not funny. Just consider this: N3V has made a great deal of noise about each asset having a proper picture of it so you can see it in the DLS. Now you get to the CM of T:ane, and all the assets are there, perhaps with a better disposition of the menu to do almost anything you need. But, when you tick on an asset, there is no window showing the asset! This way you go, in CM to Download station, and select something you think you need but you can't see it until you download it. So why so much fuzz on the image of each asset? And I could go on and on. But really, and this comes from somebody else, not me, T:ane is about the same thing as TS12 (from the operational point of view and how things work). Even more, problems on TS12, are also in T:ane. I have to say the new game runs smoother and seems to load faster plus other perks making it a substantial improvement... at the expense of having to re-construct heavily your existing routes. This comes as no surprise. For years Auran has made Trainz versions with improved things... at the expense of suppressing or breaking what was not broken! I can name a few, or too many.

I also run a Z97 with about the same CPU, but with only 8Gb RAM. Someone demonstrated that so much memory is not needed. I run my SSD with no page file, and everything runs smooth including some stuttering produced by the way the game handles the hardware. My Graphics card is GTX750Ti and overclocking produces no apparent benefit.
A way out of the dilemma? Make a partition and run there W-7. Move your Trainz here and use it just for that. Use W-10 for daily normal computer operations. I went further that that. My gaming laptop has W-10 for normal operations. My desk-top is W7 with Trainz and I also use it for normal operations, and still I have another Z97 with low end dual core CPU in another room for whatever I fancy there (no trains).
Speaking of trains, I have made only one route (more than 12 years in the making since TR04), and is very well detailed (as yours). But I run trains with all the complexity of more than 150 boards and 8 cities plus towns here and there. Airplanes and boats included running under AI.

Hope you are not bored with all this, but I feel I had to express my points of view.
Greetings Trainerz.. llebrez !!

-Bored!! Not at all.. love to here your side of the "Trainz Problem" and how "you" deal with the hole magnificent Trainz area.. You seems to have more problems sometimes or similar.. maybe in another ways.. However you´re more fast to take care of the problem in your way then I.. Witch I have thought of too, the part to go back to win7.. But Im determent to solve this in some way with win10, as I said.. getting used to win10 here now and had it since 29 of august or was it july.. what ever!! -Im trying to take the drivers to the front and se if i can manage it even more smooth AND without the graphics disturbance.. Hoping "every" time Nvidias relese of new drivers that shall be the next one to fix the GPU problems, or prevent to be worse at least.. I can also "reinstall" DirectX and openGL again and research further of other drivers in some way.. -But NOT to install the hole TS12.. for testing.. NEVER again!! It couses SOOO much trouble for my maps even how many librarys i save/backup to prevent loss of textures and more!!! -And I have more then 50GB in Trainz catalouge up to now so that is out of the question! And It´s not fool proof yet, all the backup thing! -Allways something missing, and allways missing depedencies what ever you do to prevent it! -All things downloaded and "works" in TS12 goes directly in a separate map and another HDD drive these days.. "works with TS12" :) ..and this is the way some time to go along with it!

-It seems to be a longshot for me, but i have nothing better to than wait it out, for the drivers I mean and if not.. I´ll go back as you do.. -Thanks för the tip by the way, make a partition and install win7 separatly.. -Good idea..! Had with earlier windows, more than one win in partitions seaquently, but when i started to have the system stable and "all installed" in my suitable way, then I quit the partition idea! ..But Im open for again! -For the couse of Trainz function of couse :)
Yea! I know it isn´t need to be more memory that you have.. But it went here spontanisly when i brought my new rig last year.. the thought was, never under 16GB ram this time.. well,, sales on 32GB "1866" was the result this time and i brought it..

Yea! EVERY TIME is the same problem when you brought a new version of Trainz.. Im so less and sick of it that and even as I said.. you backup, and backup, and backup librarys and more.. ALLWAYS is something missing for my map.. you´re right.. all things goes stright to H... Thats my worries about T-ane as you also add in txt.. But I miss many things in TS12 too, as I told you in last txt.. The lightning is one thing.. and shadows is one.. and the texture.. (you can go nuts of them) to make it an relistic view of the routes.. sometimes I give up, but next day.. damn it.. I will get it look good, and with some management and effort ..right into detail!!

No you´re right.. overclocking is no benefit.. The program does not couple with the "force" you can deliver.. it has it´s bottleneck.. do you say the same word!? Anyway.. the program can´t deliver enough to catch up with your GPU force and therefor slow sometimes..
I play the game World Of Tanks too,, do you?? Hope you heard of it.. nice game and free of charge to play over the net.. just an email address, and download the game.. -Just play!! A super game if you like to drive a tank.. A Sherman, a Tiger tank or some others russian big tank or even an japanese one.. Ralistic gunshots and effects in all.. and the surroundings, lights, texture.. everything there is, IS what I like in Trainz too.. the graphics is simply stunning!

Well, about Trains.. as you said.. damn it man!! I see were you live!! -You have your hole frontyard with "trains" ..Then I mean "THE" real thing and in the "trains-country" of all! ..Like steamtrains and more.. have you ever went to a trainfestival somewere in US sometimes..?? -I watch youtube often and I realize that they are festivals everywhere in US every year! Pitty, there isn´t here in Sweden too.. -We have, but not in those big format your conutry has.. They are a smaller steams here.. but still.!! Went along with one here this summer.. a short narrow gouge route.. Have it I think on my youtube site bigingo1 ..Love to see my favorite train someday in real.. UP844 ..I think it´s a nice "sight for sour eyes"!! -Hope you agree with me, if you´re that nuts that Im of couse in "Trains"!
-Can tell you a real and true story here.. :My grandfather did actually drive a steamtrain in the 1920:th ..He ended the driving when bus driving was more conveniant.. more warm inside cabin instead of outside in the winter in an open cabin steamtrain, was told to me! -So I got his old emblem pin that he had on his cap.. -A steamwheel with wings aside of it.. And Im so proud to have that in my possesion and his legasy back!
Use to laugh about it, and tell other that it´s in my genes.. -Have it om my more modern cap these days.. Thats me.. -A real Train Nuts!!

Well.. nice to chat with you again about Trainz problems and more.. and hope we can talk soon again!! -Over something.. ;)
Puting out pics now and then of my map as further it goes.. many corners of the map not yet photo taken!!

-Be well and go on with your surveyor skills you too..


Some more pics.. this time how the bad fenomen shows in TS12




-And some good workspace in between!!

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So: On your next free time, do yourself a favor. Travel to Chur (Switzerland) by regular train. There connect to the Rhatische Bahn to St. Moritz. And next day to Ticino. Get ready for this: To me is the best train trip in the World. (Yes, I have also done the Flam railway..) Cheers.
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Thanks for the tip.. I will!! -Thought about that too.. know there is a lovely railway system there... (youtube) Have a nice weekend!!
Take care!!