Nvidia 7600 GS - Flashing Problem


Active member
I am getting flashing - objects flash then return to normal - as view changes.
Also, dependent on viewpoint, certain items show problems in certain views.

I changed to latest driver (yesterday) but have same problem.
What drivers are being used without problems?

AMD Athlon 64 processor 4000+ - 2.40 GHz, 2 GB of RAM

NVidia 7600GS AGP -256
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hi ess1

Are you using DirectX or OpenGL?
I used to get this problem when using OpenGL with a AGP card.
With DirectX no problem.
I hope this is a simple solution for you.

Had the flashing prob also Went to the NGO drivers & all is well .
I had the prob with most of the newer drivers.

Thank you all for prompt replies.
I have tried both Open GL and DX with same problem. I also had the Nvodngov 215822 driver installed prior to installing latest Nv one. All to no avail.
I will try the NOV site again and report back.
Thanks again.
Some assets will do this because the alpha map is too close to the other texture, or something technically sounding like that....:o

I had one asset that I had to remove night mode from, as it would not quit, but haven't had any problems with the flashing in OpenGL or Direct X since I installed my 8800.

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yeah i've got this problem on 8600GTS running Nvidia drivers. (in both OpenGl and directx). the only drivers i've tried are the ones that came with the card (CD) and the latest from nvidia site.

things randomly flash 'white' (the whole object) and back to normal as view changes - looks terrible at night.

problem in both builtin content (ie. trainz classics builtin routes) and TRS2006, and custom content.

i'll try some other drivers to see how they go.

Are you setting any of the performance and quality settings for the card by hand or are you leaving them at application controlled? I have found in the past that setting AA and AF myself causes graphic problems in Trainz. In TRS2004, I get blinking scanlines at the horizon if I set them. Try turning these settings off.

I've got the same problem with a 8800GTX in some layouts. The frame rate is great but the flashing is bothersome. The driver version is: There is a thread on here where someone is using a and he says it's working great. I may try that one.
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Are you setting any of the performance and quality settings for the card by hand or are you leaving them at application controlled? I have found in the past that setting AA and AF myself causes graphic problems in Trainz. In TRS2004, I get blinking scanlines at the horizon if I set them. Try turning these settings off.

Application controlled.
this was the fix I found after tearing hair out on TOTR

Thanks William

one other thing to check- display resolution matches setting for screen-- I have taken to setting this as I go into Trainz as I swap between during displays
I changed bit Depth from 32 to 16 and flashing problem appears to have gone away!
Hope this might help others here.