Hi all
Like a lot of you out there,Iam also buying a new computer,I will be
probably be buying mine from Pc world Ihave already had a chat with the people from DELL,and the only problem I can see with buying from them
is that I will be left with my old one and will have to transfer the data myself,and be left with my old one,whereas,if I buy from PC world they will do this form me,much less risk,and of course they wiil dispose of my old one.
Now I have read quite a lot of stuff on the forum,and like a lot of you I am confused as to what I need,one question does spring to mind,and that concerns the graphics card. The one Iam using at the mopment is INVIDIA
Ge force 6200 pci express (I am running TRS 2004) will this be good enough for my new pc? if not what should I replace it with,also I have read a lot about problems with VISTA on 2006 but no comments about 2004, amI behind the times or what,does anybody run TRS 2004 anymore?
One last question will I have to purchase a graphics card separetly or
does it come with the new machine.
looking forward to reading your coments
Like a lot of you out there,Iam also buying a new computer,I will be
probably be buying mine from Pc world Ihave already had a chat with the people from DELL,and the only problem I can see with buying from them
is that I will be left with my old one and will have to transfer the data myself,and be left with my old one,whereas,if I buy from PC world they will do this form me,much less risk,and of course they wiil dispose of my old one.
Now I have read quite a lot of stuff on the forum,and like a lot of you I am confused as to what I need,one question does spring to mind,and that concerns the graphics card. The one Iam using at the mopment is INVIDIA
Ge force 6200 pci express (I am running TRS 2004) will this be good enough for my new pc? if not what should I replace it with,also I have read a lot about problems with VISTA on 2006 but no comments about 2004, amI behind the times or what,does anybody run TRS 2004 anymore?
One last question will I have to purchase a graphics card separetly or
does it come with the new machine.
looking forward to reading your coments