Need confirmation: "Get Gradient" Tool measurement


New member
Even though my route set up defines "imperial"; and, the ruler measures fine in feet, inches....when I use "get gradient tool" the measurement is in meters, correct? I did some tests on user routes measuring heights with the ruler and "get gradient tool" that seemed to prove my conclusion correct. Just looking for confirmation, or the reason why I'm wrong. Thanks, Bob.
I don't think you are correct. It is a fairly standard engineering practice in the US, and I assume most of the rest of the world, too, to measure grades / gradients in percent. A one percent grade is a change in elevation of one unit over the course of a run of 100 units. A one percent grade is thus a change in elevation of 1 foot over the course of a run of 100 feet, but the percentage of the grade is the same if you measure in feet or meters.

I don't think you are correct. It is a fairly standard engineering practice in the US, and I assume most of the rest of the world, too, to measure grades / gradients in percent. A one percent grade is a change in elevation of one unit over the course of a run of 100 units. A one percent grade is thus a change in elevation of 1 foot over the course of a run of 100 feet, but the percentage of the grade is the same if you measure in feet or meters.


mjolnir: My (rookie) mistake with terminology. I actually meant "Get Height" tool on the Topology Surveyor tab. Given my mistake does it change your response. Sorry....still on a "learning curve". Bob
Yes, it changes my response, in that I would not have responded had you asked about the topology tab "get height" because i am not certain. However, in for a penny, in for a pound, I suspect, especially given your investigations, that you are right and that the units on most items in the surveyor tabs are probably in "auran units", where 1 unit is 1 meter. For further invesigation, if you have not already done so, and you so choose, vulcan has three rules measured in feet, at 50, 100, and 200 foot lengths on the DLS, KUID2:60238:202:1, KUID2:60238:204:1, and KUID2:60238:205:1.

Good Morning Rmp090946
The 'get height' (and the 'apply height') tools work in meters. All 'height' measurements within Trainz (the tools in the topology tab, spline and track tabs, and the object height adjustment tool) are measured in meters, and gradients are measured in Percentage :)
