Tutorial: Understanding BI3 Industry Tracks

Does InstantUnload <kuid2:67585:1021:2> do what you need?

My interest is user driven switching layouts as found in Model Railway/Railroad magazines many of which have a fiddle track where Loads are added/removed between sessions.
But I think that InstantUnload <kuid2:67585:1021:2> is a driver command not a Track Element, so I am not sure how that would work.

I am a little out of my depth there as I have not used any AI Drivers as that side of trains holds no interest for me yet.


Instant load can be made available in your Driver commands. Just go into the Session and add InstantLoad commands to your Driver commands. When in your fiddle yard just select the train, give the Driver command "InstantLoad" (or any variation, there are several versions of InstantLoad, including a random load, full load) and the train is loaded.
Instant load can be made available in your Driver commands. Just go into the Session and add InstantLoad commands to your Driver commands. When in your fiddle yard just select the train, give the Driver command "InstantLoad" (or any variation, there are several versions of InstantLoad, including a random load, full load) and the train is loaded.

Sounds good thanks, I will give it a try.
I should have said "Just go into Edit Session" (Tools menu) and add InstantLoad commands to the Driver Command list. Reply if you have any problems.
hi Bob, I'm porting my Uintah railway route over to 2019 and I was trying to make a number of gilsonite mines interactive by using one of your Bi3 tracks , i followed your instructions on the forum , using the existing wood lumber asset. but I had some issues when I tried to get rid of most of the product queues , so I just deleted the first product on the list and swopped it for gilsonite , which is a product Ben Dorsey created for his URY flatcars . There were no faults reported, but in game, the product appears to load, on stopping , the control interface disappears for a second or two and then returns an indication of loading in my experience but there's no product visible on the flatcar, any idea what I might be doing wrong ? Is the age of the product got anything to do with it ? Here's the config changes I made, can you spot anything that's incorrect ?
size 1000000
product-kuid <kuid2:210518:300325:1>
initial-count 50000

I haven't included the other 32 products in this list as i made no changes to them
prod0 <kuid2:210518:300325:1>
prod1 <kuid2:439337:101674:1>
prod2 <kuid:101046:101038>
prod3 <kuid2:101046:100146:1>
prod4 <kuid2:101046:100027:1>
prod5 <kuid:-25:1189>
prod6 <kuid2:101046:100062:1>
prod7 <kuid2:101046:100095:1>
prod8 <kuid2:101046:100232:1>
prod9 <kuid2:101046:100237:1>
prod10 <kuid2:101046:100273:1>
prod11 <kuid:101046:101876>
prod12 <kuid:101046:103476>
prod13 <kuid:101046:103324>
prod14 <kuid:101046:101772>
prod15 <kuid:101046:103244>
prod16 <kuid:101046:103479>
prod17 <kuid2:101046:101255:1>
prod18 <kuid:101046:103480>
prod19 <kuid:101046:103248>
prod20 <kuid:101046:103490>
prod21 <kuid:101046:103330>
prod22 <kuid2:101046:101253:1>
prod23 <kuid:101046:103493>
prod24 <kuid:101046:101069>
prod25 <kuid:101046:103501>
prod26 <kuid:101046:106224>
prod27 <kuid:101046:102052>
prod28 <kuid:101046:102051>
prod29 <kuid:101046:101652>
prod30 <kuid:101046:106240>
prod31 <kuid:101046:101119>
prod32 <kuid:101046:101406>
0 <kuid:-3:10042>
1 <kuid:-3:10092>
2 <kuid2:439337:102580:1>
3 <kuid:-3:10164>
4 <kuid:439337:104326>
kuid <kuid:44878:101857>

I copied the kuid number and product category over into the duplicated bi3 asset other than that , Ive made no changes.
heres the config for the product
kuid <kuid2:210518:300325:1>
kind "product"
instance-type "instance"
product-category <kuid:-3:10042>
username "Gilsonite_Bagged"
category-class "IC"
mass 40000
trainz-build 3.5
allows-mixing 0

mesh "Part_1.im"
auto-create 1

image "Gilsonite Bagged.jpg"
width 240
height 180
description "This is the interactive load of gilsonite in burlap bags for Uintah Railway
flatcars 100 thru 170 kuid2:210518:300324:1."
author "Benjamin R. Dorsey (bendorsey)"
contact-email "bendorsey1@att.net"
license "This item is released freee of charge for your enjoyment. You may use,
redistribute, and re-skin the model as long as you do not do so for profit
or include it in any package for profit."

0 <kuid:-3:10042>
Do you have any ideas as to why the product isnt visible. I'm using a very early version of 2019, possibly that has something to do with it.

This is not a bulk item but an individual item. I looked at this product load and there can only be one of them on a freight car. You configured the product queue as a bulk item. Try making these changes:

Change from:

size 1000000
product-kuid <kuid2:210518:300325:1>
initial-count 50000



size 256
product-kuid <kuid2:210518:300325:1>
initial-count 10

Also have you configured a freight car to receive that product? Both the BI3 and Freight car must synch or no loading or unloading will occur.

If you only want to load just one item it might be a lot simpler to try configuring a single product loader for that purpose. See my <kuid:439337:105360> Log_Loader_Interactive_with_effects content item for an example. Building a custom loader will also allow you to upload it to the DLS rather then trying to upload an entire BI3 just for one item.


This is not a bulk item but an individual item. I looked at this product load and there can only be one of them on a freight car. You configured the product queue as a bulk item. Try making these changes:

Change from:

size 1000000
product-kuid <kuid2:210518:300325:1>
initial-count 50000



size 256
product-kuid <kuid2:210518:300325:1>
initial-count 10

Also have you configured a freight car to receive that product? Both the BI3 and Freight car must synch or no loading or unloading will occur.

If you only want to load just one item it might be a lot simpler to try configuring a single product loader for that purpose. See my <kuid:439337:105360> Log_Loader_Interactive_with_effects content item for an example. Building a custom loader will also allow you to upload it to the DLS rather then trying to upload an entire BI3 just for one item.

Thanks,I did wonder if the size was an issue , the URY flatcars made by Ben Dorsey are set up to accept a gilsonite load. I gave this a go, but the product was still invisible. I'll try out the log loader, many thanks for the loaders in the first place .
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Thanks,I did wonder if the size was an issue , the URY flatcars made by Ben Dorsey are set up to accept a gilsonite load. I gave this a go, but the product was still invisible. I'll try out the log loader, many thanks for the loaders in the first place .


Try manually loading a freight car with that Gilsonite load and see if you can see it. I tried that manual loading here at my end and it showed here without an issue.

Hi Bob,

Fantastic work on your amazing BI3 industries and products, I have been very inspired by these and have spent some time adding these to a test layout and connecting them up, once I have sorted out exactly how I want them configured I will add them to my main route. I'm making a few extra ones for to fill in a few gaps - for my own use at least for the moment rather than DLS - but you have covered the vast majority of subjects. I have been customising these (in game) a lot as well for example swapping some of the products that use specific train cars for UK ones. At first I used the BI3 template on the DLS and then added all the products in game but I have started using the method you have outlined earlier in this thread of cloning one of your existing BI3s in Content Manager and then editing the config.txt which has worked well. Is there any way of preconfiguring the other tabs such as tracks/products? I can see Process in the config file, which I will experiment with at some point but just trying to make something that I can add without a lot of in-game configuration.

Many thanks,
Is there any way of preconfiguring the other tabs such as tracks/products? I can see Process in the config file, which I will experiment with at some point but just trying to make something that I can add without a lot of in-game configuration.

Many thanks,


Thanks for the feedback. Sorry, but I am not sure how you would pre-configure the other tabs as I have yet to do that.

Hi Bob,

I've been experimenting with the config files and haven't found a way of preconfiguring the Track or Product tabs but have discovered multiple processes can be added, which is useful as the default Multiple Industry only shows three products at a time. I tried adding products and amounts to these after inspecting the contents of the built in Oil Refinery assets but they are still blank in game; however, multiple processes certainly seem a useful addition to the excellent BI3 functionality for the modified versions I am setting up for my own use. Some primary industries such as quarrying and produce don't really need that but complex things like chemical plants, refineries and metal smelting are well suited; see example below:


Add the following to the config.txt for each process. Not sure if there is a limit on the number of processes but hope this is useful.

start-enabled 1
duration 30



Kind regards,

Hi Bob,

I've been experimenting with the config files and haven't found a way of preconfiguring the Track or Product tabs but have discovered multiple processes can be added, which is useful as the default Multiple Industry only shows three products at a time. I tried adding products and amounts to these after inspecting the contents of the built in Oil Refinery assets but they are still blank in game; however, multiple processes certainly seem a useful addition to the excellent BI3 functionality for the modified versions I am setting up for my own use. Some primary industries such as quarrying and produce don't really need that but complex things like chemical plants, refineries and metal smelting are well suited; see example below:

Add the following to the config.txt for each process. Not sure if there is a limit on the number of processes but hope this is useful.

start-enabled 1
duration 30



Kind regards,



Thanks for the tip and info!

Hi Bob I'm trying to update my L&A reefer to work with BI3.

This is the car <kuid2:549274:101131:1> L&A Reefer ACF 40 ft Grey

This is the modified config file. I added <kuid2:439337:101414:1> Ice Block Visible to load0 for a load total of 22. The rest as you see is copy pasted for your reefer.

Below is my config file and I get this error. Unable to submit changes to asset <kuid2:549274:101131:1> as the config file contains the wrong KUID

username "L&A Reefer ACF 40 ft Grey"
trainz-build 3.5
category-class "XA"
category-region "US"
category-era "1920s;1930s;1940s"
kind "traincar"
engine 0
enginespec <kuid2:103021:100771:1>
mass 29120
script "JR_Traincar"
class "JRTraincar"
fonts 4
fonts-path "mesh"
contact-website "-"
contact-email "davesnow@sbcglobal.net"
description "Undecorated Grey 40 ft. reefer.

number_low "2800"
number_high "2899"

traincar_fx_library <kuid2:45324:555200:1>

mesh "mesh_body/arn.im"
auto-create 1

mesh "mesh_body/40_foot_Reefer_DES.im"
auto-create 1

mesh "mesh_shadow/Shadow.im"

reversed 0
bogey <kuid:101046:106543>

reversed 0
bogey <kuid:101046:106543>

image "64.texture"
width 128
height 64

width 128
height 64
image "icon_0.texture"

width 240
height 180
image "thumbnail_1.jpg"


maxweight "92442"

size 22
initial-count 0

0 <kuid2:439337:101414:1>

size 20
initial-count 0

0 <kuid:439337:100473>
1 <kuid:439337:100474>
2 <kuid:439337:100475>
3 <kuid:439337:100476>
4 <kuid:439337:100478>
5 <kuid:439337:100479>
6 <kuid:439337:100480>
7 <kuid:439337:100481>

size 20
initial-count 0

0 <kuid:439337:100502>
1 <kuid:439337:100503>
2 <kuid:439337:100496>
3 <kuid:439337:100506>
4 <kuid:439337:100501>
5 <kuid:439337:100507>
6 <kuid:439337:100491>
7 <kuid:439337:100500>
8 <kuid:439337:100477>

size 20
initial-count 0

0 <kuid:439337:100499>
1 <kuid:439337:100494>
2 <kuid:439337:100493>
3 <kuid:439337:100495>
4 <kuid:439337:100505>
5 <kuid:439337:100497>
6 <kuid:439337:100504>
7 <kuid:439337:100492>

size 20
initial-count 0

0 <kuid:439337:100459>
1 <kuid:439337:100461>
2 <kuid:439337:100462>
3 <kuid:439337:100463>
4 <kuid2:30671:90701902:1>
5 <kuid:439337:100464>
6 <kuid:439337:100465>
7 <kuid:439337:100466>
8 <kuid:439337:100467>
9 <kuid:439337:100468>
10 <kuid:439337:100469>
11 <kuid:439337:100470>
12 <kuid:439337:100471>
13 <kuid:439337:100460>
kuid <kuid2:549274:101131:1>

arn_lib <kuid2:104722:2501038:4>
0 <kuid2:103021:100771:1>
1 <kuid2:45324:555200:1>
2 <kuid:101046:106543>
3 <kuid:-3:10164>
4 <kuid:-1:42004201>
5 <kuid2:58422:50120:1>
6 <kuid2:124017:35000:1>
7 <kuid:-3:10042>
8 <kuid:58223:41054>
9 <kuid2:30671:9040690:1>
10 <kuid2:87145:10003:1>
11 <kuid2:30671:9040500:1>
12 <kuid:58223:41132>
13 <kuid:304363:1102>
14 <kuid:439337:100452>
15 <kuid:439337:100453>
16 <kuid:439337:100454>
17 <kuid:439337:100455>
18 <kuid:439337:100456>
19 <kuid:439337:100457>
20 <kuid:439337:100473>
21 <kuid:439337:100474>
22 <kuid:439337:100475>
23 <kuid:439337:100476>
24 <kuid:439337:100478>
25 <kuid:439337:100479>
26 <kuid:439337:100480>
27 <kuid:439337:100481>
28 <kuid:439337:100502>
29 <kuid:439337:100503>
30 <kuid:439337:100496>
31 <kuid:439337:100506>
32 <kuid:439337:100501>
33 <kuid:439337:100507>
34 <kuid:439337:100491>
35 <kuid:439337:100500>
36 <kuid:439337:100477>
37 <kuid:439337:100499>
38 <kuid:439337:100494>
39 <kuid:439337:100493>
40 <kuid:439337:100495>
41 <kuid:439337:100505>
42 <kuid:439337:100497>
43 <kuid:439337:100504>
44 <kuid:439337:100492>
45 <kuid:439337:100459>
46 <kuid:439337:100461>
47 <kuid:439337:100462>
48 <kuid:439337:100463>
49 <kuid2:30671:90701902:1>
50 <kuid:439337:100464>
51 <kuid:439337:100465>
52 <kuid:439337:100466>
53 <kuid:439337:100467>
54 <kuid:439337:100468>
55 <kuid:439337:100469>
56 <kuid:439337:100470>
57 <kuid:439337:100471>
58 <kuid:439337:100460>
59 <kuid2:30671:69006:1>

Hi Bob I'm trying to update my L&A reefer to work with BI3.

This is the car <kuid2:549274:101131:1> L&A Reefer ACF 40 ft Grey

This is the modified config file. I added <kuid2:439337:101414:1> Ice Block Visible to load0 for a load total of 22. The rest as you see is copy pasted for your reefer.

Below is my config file and I get this error. Unable to submit changes to asset <kuid2:549274:101131:1> as the config file contains the wrong KUID
I think the problem is with the KUID you are using for this item (ie: kuid2:549274:101131:1). Try making a new version of the item ((ie: kuid2:549274:101131:2), or if that doesn't work, cloning the item and making your changes instead and see if that works.

I also noted an extra "}" in the queues container after load4 that should be removed.

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