My Expectations of TRS19 SP4 update


1 Return to 6/7 driver discrete pop-up instead of current screen stealing 4.

2 Graphical indications, '!' now on all portraits of a 'stuck' drivers instead of having to find ‘stuck’ in the pop-up.
Why do motor cars still have ‘analogue dials’ instead of numerical displays? It is much easier to see a relative position rather having to read and then convert a number or text. Ever used a digital tacho ?

3 Right click on current driver portrait now takes you to the current driver from camera view 4. (roaming)
If '3' not implemented, Left Click now opens pop-up with the portrait of current driver in focus.
i.e. No longer necessary to scroll to the driver if not visible in the first 4 displayed.
also, Click on portrait in pop-up now selects and moves to the driver/train.

4 Might be my machine but 'CTRL+RClick' menu on a train no longer requires multiple attempts before accepting selection from menu.

5 Forgot what this one was :) - Fill your own expectation

6 Interlocking Tower now does not select path until prior 'Drive/Navigate To' 'Track Mark' is reached.

7 Interlocking Tower now does not select path until train has finished up/downloading at an industry prior to a tower path.

8 'Track Profile' now holds previous session selections instead of returning to the default set.

9 Ctrl+1-7 now stays with train at session start and does not ‘move’ after entering/leaving portals.

10 Although probably an old asset problem, trains no longer default 'Priority’ and 'Name' after leaving a portal.

11 A ‘Run Time’ clock now visible in Driver. Now easier to pinpoint a ‘Problem’. i.e. Approx. when into a session a problem occurs. Saves time monitoring the ‘fix’. No longer need to remember start times and do math to pinpoint period.

12 Contents of variables used for ‘AI’ style control now visible on screen. I.e. Counters for access control of single track sections containing multiple signals as per TANE. i.e. prevention of ‘Corn Field Meets’ for unscripted signals. Mainly used for testing logic.

13 Greater focus on 'RAILROAD' management in TRS19 not just 'TRAIN' driving.
i.e. Focus on 'SIMULATION' of 'RAILROAD' management and control through 'AI' control of multiple trains and interactions. One suspects real-life railroads do this as well as just drive trains?

A question, why use 'Ctrl+R' for 'Edit Session' when 'Ctrl+E' is 'Edit Route'. There is no 'R' in 'Edit Session'. A swap would be logical?
Indeed do not expect too much, its a small crew with limited time and resources

1 an alternative for driving many trains I build in my Set-Driver-Control-Rule
its just a list with driver names and trains, much lighter and easier to scroll
and you can filter "all trains", "has driver" "driving" "stopped"

2 cabs(kind interior) are made by content creators and not N3v most of the time

4 it is maybe possible to program it as a mouse macro with "X-mouse Button control"
better would be if it would be a 1-key shortcut

5 my expectations are simple, repair all that went broken in SP1 till SP3 :-)
Service Pack is generally repairs/fixes, not new stuff.

8 a good alternative I use dayly is Klaus Malorney "track-view" rule
you can even switch junctions in there and place it where you want, very handy

11 a time in session counter I build in to my Set-Driver-Control-Rule
handy for debugging, while making sessions
A question that I would ask is why did you not post your list before the development of the SP4 update had even started?

By posting at this stage of the development, when the final beta release is being tested, you are heading for certain disappointment. Its a bit like posting a long list of requirements for a new metro link on the day before the official ribbon cutting ceremony and the run of the first passenger carrying train.

My opinions.
The one I forgot :o

5 Minimap 'M' display 'freezing' of names of drivers in place when clicked away from a train is finally fixed.
As a matter of interest, where do you find the Set-Driver-Control-Rule. I can't find in listed in Content manager despite extensive search!
Read about it here, its a long thread and still in beta update state
get the latest version on the last page.
Congratulations N3V, the 'M' mini-map freezing has been fixed (again).

The remaining 12 expectations still pending. Took 15+ years to get a functional 'Interlock Tower' so not holding my breath.