Multi-lane roads do not appear to be working correctly in TRS19 (build 110491)


Trainz route developer
I have been working to update YARNish road assets to build 4.7 PBR and to correct a number of issues that have previously existed. I have run into an issue that seems to show that multi-lane roads such as a four lane highway do not appear to be working correctly in TRS19. I ran a test where I created seven of these roads and put them in a blank route that I use for testing purposes. The only difference between each of the roads was the numlanes parameter. See this video below which shows the roads in action in TRS19 (build 110491):

The roads to the far left has the numlanes parameter set to 0. Each road further to the right from that one increments the numlanes parameter by 1 until you reach the far right road which has numlanes set to 6. As you can see in the video nothing changes and the traffic stays the same and is in the wrong lane (ie; the fast lane). Note: I am using U.S. roads here with driving to the right.

Here is my code for the road:

username                                "SAP_US_Asphalt_4L_Highway_Spline_1_TEST0"
trainz-build                            4.7
category-class                          "SR"
kind                                    "track"
istrack                                 0
visible-on-minimap                      0
category-era                            "1950s;1960s;1970s;1980s;1990s;2000s;2010s"
category-region                         "00;US"
author                                  "MSGSapper"
description                             "A U.S.55MPH asphalt four-lane road spline with no sidewalk, with a shoulder, and divided by a central barrier spline 10 meters in length compatible with all YARNish road assets. Use this for building all your higways. Uses non-parallax PBR textures. This road spline works very well with PBR ground textures. My thanks to Madeline Usher, who is the original creator of the YARN road system. Crack texture overlay courtesy of dinorius_redundicus. I have also included all my Blender 2.91 project files for this content item in a sub-folder called 'blender_files'. Before trying to access them be sure to first read the 'instructions_read_first.txt' file in that folder.  I have also included the markings overlay texture file for re-skinning purposes using your own road texture."
license                                 "You may re-skin this item without requesting permission from me as long as you only distribute it on the Auran DLS and make it freeware. You must add the following to the item description field: 'Thanks to Madeline Usher, who is the original creator of the YARN road system.  Crack texture overlay courtesy of dinorius_redundicus.'."
isroad                                  1
carrate                                 10
traffic-speed                           24.5872
category-keyword                        "highway;interstate;road;msgsapper"
isfreeway                               0
numlanes                                0

    mesh                                "road.trainzmesh"
    auto-create                         1
    lod-level                           0

  mesh-length                           10
      mesh                              "default"
      subdivisions                      1
      mesh                              "default"
      subdivisions                      1

    image                               "$screenshot_240-180$.jpg"
    width                               240
    height                              180

kuid                                    <kuid:439337:106189>

Am I missing something here?

BTW I tried a version of this road with attached invisible road splines, which worked correctly, but could not get it to connect to a YARNish mocrossing based four lane intersection. For more on that see this thread:

Hi Bob,
Have you tried the same 6 also with "isfreeway 1" ?
if you use build 4.6 it will be usable in all TRS19 versions
greetings GM
Hi Bob,
Have you tried the same 6 also with "isfreeway 1" ?
if you use build 4.6 it will be usable in all TRS19 versions
greetings GM

Thanks for the reply.

I ran a second test of the same roads seen in the first YouTube video, but changed the isfreeway parameter from 0 to 1 for each of the roads. Here is a YouTube video of the results:

As you can see the results were even poorer then the first time. All the isfreeway parameter does is make the traffic one way when set to 1.

TRS19 100240, tested some old roads from atilabarut
<kuid:131986:1141> USfreeway3Lane1WayTraffic
<kuid:131986:1145> USfreeway4lane1wayTraffic
<kuid:131986:1146> USfreeway5lane1wayTrafic
<kuid:131986:1148> USfreeway6lane1wayTraffic

behaviour is as should be, most lanes get used, cars overtake

now getting curious at which build it changed,
just guessing it was SP1, then suddenly carz got stuck in Surveyor
hope we can find what causes this
greetings GM

added a bit of the config:
username                                "USfreeway6lane1wayTraffic"
kuid                                    <kuid:131986:1148>
trainz-build                            2.9
category-class                          "SR"
category-region                         "US"
category-era                            "2010s"
kind                                    "track"
istrack                                 0
visible-on-minimap                      1
numlanes                                6
isfreeway                               1
isroad                                  1
traffic-speed                           45
carrate                                 1
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TRS19 100240, tested some old roads from atilabarut
<kuid:131986:1141> USfreeway3Lane1WayTraffic
<kuid:131986:1145> USfreeway4lane1wayTraffic
<kuid:131986:1146> USfreeway5lane1wayTrafic
<kuid:131986:1148> USfreeway6lane1wayTraffic

behaviour is as should be, most lanes get used, cars overtake

now getting curious at which build it changed,
just guessing it was SP1, then suddenly carz got stuck in Surveyor
hope we can find what causes this
greetings GM

Interesting. Those items above are build 2.9 and when used in TRS19 (Build 110491) they have traffic in all the lanes, albeit just one way.

This does work in TRS19 with a a build 4.7 four lane road as long as it is just one way only. Most YARNish highways don't work that way though and a typical four lane road will have two lanes going one direction and the other two going the opposite direction all in a single spline with no attached child splines. In that case you will only have two lanes of traffic as I mentioned earlier and showed earlier in the first video. BTW any attempt to attach child splines to the road spline will result in you not being able to connect to the intersections for some reason I do not understand.

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from the wiki:
[h=4]visual-only[/h]If set (1), this boolean tag causes the child spline to exist only while being actively rendered. This also removes all functional aspects of the child spline (such as carz, the use of the spline as railway track, connection of other splines, etc.) If clear (0), the child spline is fully instantiated along with the parent. Manual editing of the child spline is prevented in Surveyor but in all other aspects the child spline reacts as if placed manually.
from the wiki:
[h=4]visual-only[/h]If set (1), this boolean tag causes the child spline to exist only while being actively rendered. This also removes all functional aspects of the child spline (such as carz, the use of the spline as railway track, connection of other splines, etc.) If clear (0), the child spline is fully instantiated along with the parent. Manual editing of the child spline is prevented in Surveyor but in all other aspects the child spline reacts as if placed manually.

Yes I know. You have to have it set to 0 if you want the child splines to be functional and there.

I tried that both ways and saw the results. If set to 1 you can connect with a YARNish intersection but the the child splines are not there or functional. If set to 1 they are there and functional, but you cannot connect to the intersections.

It makes me wonder about why this tag exists in the first place. What is the point of attaching child splines that disappear and are not functional?

I have spent so much time recently trying work around this problem that I am to the point where I am considering giving up and just live with the fact that a four lane highway will have only one lane of traffic in either direction, and only in the fast lanes, in order to maintain compatibility with YARNish assets.

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Yarn Roads & Highways

Good Luck on making these work correctly Master Sergeant!:eek:
I have been pulling my Hair out trying to get these Highways to work Perfectly myself.
I really hope that you can get them to function as per your ideas?

I have been using invisible Roads to get what I want out of them, and that it is not what I really want to use.
You are very good with the Trainz Content, I Love you work.
Good Luck on making these work correctly Master Sergeant!:eek:
I have been pulling my Hair out trying to get these Highways to work Perfectly myself.
I really hope that you can get them to function as per your ideas?

I have been using invisible Roads to get what I want out of them, and that it is not what I really want to use.
You are very good with the Trainz Content, I Love you work.

Right now I am in the process of revising a number of the old YARNish assets and bringing them up to build 4.7 PBR standards while still keeping them YARNish compatible.

Because of issues like the one I am discussing here it has been tough going. I end up doing a lot of trial and error testing to see what works and what doesn't and how I can work around problems, if that is possible. This issue with multi-lane roads that have traffic going in both directions has really been a headache. It doesn't help that parameters like numlanes are not really well documented on what it will and will not do.

As with my other roads released earlier, I will be providing the Blender 2.91 Project code for each asset so others can take what I have done and make whatever versions they need to make for their own routes.

It almost looks as if the Yarnish four lanes are pasted together versions of two UK two lanes. That would explain the left lane driving, but not the four lane arrangement itself, which is US. Maybe they are what you call a mashup? I am ignorant about these things, but there must be something somewhere that tells them what side to drive on. I do like the second from the left on Test 2. Going right down the center lane would make a great runway..... :hehe:
Pretty soon I am going to be uploading a number of build 4.7 four lane highway assets to the DLS for TRS19. These will be major update to the original Maddy25 YARN assets of the same type. These assets will use PBR non-parallax textures and fix a few issues that existed in those early Trainz assets.

One of the problems I have been unable to resolve however, and I have tried many workarounds, is the traffic issue, and there has been no authoritative answer from N3V on how to fix this or if it can be fixed. As a result these assets will have traffic, but the traffic will only show in the single fast lane of each side of the four lane two way roads.

One final note. I will be including my Blender 2.91 project source code with each item so that if anyone wants to make variations or re-skins they can easily do so.

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That nice Bob, but please set the build to 4.6, so everyone with TRS19 can use them
4.7 (save format) is only different for route and sessions, not other assets
greetings GM