Build 3.3 passenger coaches are not loading or unloading anymore in TRS19


Trainz route developer
Users of my TRS19 route sessions are reporting that my build 3.3 passenger streamlined coaches are not loading or unloading in TRS19, although they report no errors or warnings. These are basically re-skinned version of the original Auran/N3V streamlined coaches that have no visible passengers or passenger attachment points. I have configured them correctly using edit properties for that coach as shown in this screenshot image:


Also the passenger stations are also configured correctly as well.

BTW for you content developers out there, I have have some session users saying that Passenger product <kuid:-3:10060> is not built-in to their version of Trainz or available for download from the DLS. It has apparently been obsoleted by the build 2.9 <kuid:-3:11062> product which I show as built-in to my TRS19. This should not effect loading or unloading however as TRS19 should automatically go to the new KUID.

Here is the code for my <kuid2:439337:100517:2> CCLE Coach Cattaraugus:

kuid                                    <kuid2:439337:100517:2>
username                                "CCLE Coach Cattaraugus"
engine                                  0
mass                                    60000
kind                                    "traincar"
enginespec                              <kuid:-1:42004201>
description                             "Fictional Cattaraugus Creek and Lake Erie (CCLE) railway coach car Cattaraugus bought from Budd in 1946. The prototype car is configured with 56 seats. Re-skin of the Auran ATSF chair car. CMTM compatible."
category-era                            "1950s;1960s;1970s;1980s;1990s;2000s;2010s"
category-region                         "US"
category-class                          "PC"
trainz-build                            3.3
category-keyword                        "coach;passenger;msgsapper"

    mesh                                "fec_coach_body/"
    auto-create                         1
    mesh                                "fec_coach_shadow/"

    reversed                            0
    bogey                               <kuid:-1:100139>
    reversed                            0
    bogey                               <kuid:-1:100139>

    image                               "preview.jpg"
    width                               240
    height                              180

    size                                56
    initial-count                       0
    product-kuid                        <kuid:-3:10060>


  reportingmark-32711                   "CCLE"
  carnumber-32711                       "CATTARAUGUS1"

  0                                     <kuid:-1:42004201>
  1                                     <kuid:-3:10060>
  2                                     <kuid:-1:100139>
Your problem maybe <kuid:-3:10060> which should work but doesn't in my experience. It is supposed to be obsoleted by <kuid:-25:1235> Prod Passengers 2012 but, as near as I can tell the passenger function doesn't seem to work. This causes many problems with all sorts of assets, most notably is the seaport which comes up as faulty due to missing <kuid:-3:10060>.
Your problem maybe <kuid:-3:10060> which should work but doesn't in my experience. It is supposed to be obsoleted by <kuid:-25:1235> Prod Passengers 2012 but, as near as I can tell the passenger function doesn't seem to work. This causes many problems with all sorts of assets, most notably is the seaport which comes up as faulty due to missing <kuid:-3:10060>.

That was very helpful and thank you!

I looked at the <kuid:-25:1235> in TRS19 and it should have automatically obsoleted/replaced the <kuid:-3:10060> but it didn't work apparently. I have been forced to create new versions of my coaches that replace the <kuid:-3:10060> with <kuid:-25:1235> and I changed the build number from 3.3 to 3.7 since I don't know when <kuid:-25:1235> was introduced.

In the coach I used as a test this work and the passengers were loaded/unloaded. I can only hope and cross my fingers that this doesn't cause it's own problems with interacting with all the old content out there expecting <kuid:-3:10060>.

TRS19 sure is making me work these days to fix all the glitches/changes/quirks they introduced.:(

Well I went through the process and bit the bullet and updated 57 of my passenger content items (structures, rolling stock) to replace the old passenger KUID of <kuid:-3:10060> with the newer one of <kuid:-25:1235>.

What I was afraid would happen did happen. My route and session uses a build 2.2 content item <kuid:70337:28030> Low platform 100m from the DLS, and for which I am not the author. That item expects a passenger KUID of <kuid:-3:10060> so it isn't loading or unloading the newer passenger <kuid:-25:1235>. Again TRS19 is not obsoleting that old KUID and replacing it with the new one of <kuid:-25:1235>. Talk about a catch-22 here!

I am not sure how I am going to deal with this short of replacing every passenger station and platform with something I create myself that has this newer passenger KUID.

Side note: A funny thing here as reported by one of my session users. Things did work correctly in Quick Drive but not in normal session driver. Go figure.....

Don't know if this is a good idea but what I did was clone <kuid:-25:1235> and change the kuid to <kuid:-3:10060> and delete the obsolete table. Then I imported the folder into the game. In TANE it worked and seemed to solved the issue although the asset was not marked as Obsolete. In TRS19 it worked and seemed to solve the issue too but it was marked Obsolete. I have not seen any issues yet.
This is odd <kuid:-25:1235> is category-region RU therefore Russian? but is a base asset in TRS19, whereas 10060 is category-region 00, wonder if the RU region is messing things up regarding the obsolete table as it's the wrong / different region? Just a thought as can't see any other reason why it shouldn't work.
-25:1235 is on the DLS also RU, none of the previous ones were.

Haven't come across an issue here yet but haven't been doing anything with passengers as concentrating on scenery aspects of my current WIP.

This passenger issue problem was not one I expected to face, along with all the other content issues address in my other thread regarding content in DLCs. I am struggling to come up with work arounds, which has slowed down my route upgrade efforts considerably.

Every time I think I am finally done with a route something new comes up because of TRS19 that the users find. I would have tested for this passenger problem prior to release of the TRS19 CC&LE route with sessions but was not expecting it at all.

At this point the only viable solution seems to come up with all my own content items in order to solve this, but I still haven't made a decision. Needless to say creating my own passenger product will cause problems for anyone downloading them from the DLS and using them on their own routes, as well as a lot of work for me modifying existing content, once again, to accept it.

This seems to be amongst the several issues stirred up by "adjustments" to once working assets and systems. While I do not make routes I love to "adjust them to taste". The recent changes to several program problems (unacknowledged and done by spirits) seem to be arising in a few areas making life less pleasant for N3V customers. With no acknowledgement of the various issues the customers are left to their own efforts to correct things they find, all the while not knowing if ANY fixes will be applied.. I wonder how many more "improvements" are in store for us???

As an example I decided to fiddle a builtin route thinking it is stable and my mistakes would be obvious. Wrong, it has issues.

On a positive note, I love your routes. The overall tone of the routes environments is well done. However, routes I have fiddled suddenly exhibit issues it is usually obvious that the the cooks are messing with the broth. But, in some instances, the user may "credit you" with the problem.
I have spent so much time on this damn issue I have finally got fed up, so I am doing the following for my routes and sessions to fix this once and for all (or at least until the next major Trainz release):

1. Producing my own visible passenger product version called <kuid:439337:103987> Passengers-SAP. This will be an build 4.6 updated and corrected version (Non-PBR) of <kuid:-25:1235> which FYI was build 2.2. This new product will load and unload visible passengers from any passenger rolling stock item or structure configured to accept this product. While I have made some corrections in order resolve some issues in TRS19 with the old passenger product, so I can use this on my own routes and sessions, I am not the author of the original meshes or the textures. I don't know who was the original author, since it didn't say in the <kuid:-25:1235>, but whoever it is still retains all copyrights for this great visible product. I thank that original author for his great product!

2. Producing a special version of all my passenger and platform assets that will use this new visible passenger product.

I expect to have these completed and uploaded to the DLS over the next few days. I really didn't want to have to do this, but it seems to be the only real way to fix this issue for those who use my TRS19 routes and passenger sessions.

Of course anyone can use this new product in their content and routes once it become available for download on the DLS.

If you choose to use this new product just be aware that:

1. You will need to configure passenger rolling stock to accept this item, which is fairly simple, and similar to how you add products to freight rolling stock.

2. Passenger stations that are not mine will not recognize this new product however unless the authors update them.

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Personally, since I enjoy your work, any passenger station on routes I like will be changed to your stations so that I can use your passenger coaches. Thanks for all the fine efforts and work you do.
I have solved the TRS19 passenger pickup problem on the route and the session.

The fixing of this problem required that I do the following:

1. Create a build 4.6 visible passenger product. This has been accomplished and uploaded to the DLS. Hopefully this will be available for download in 24 hours or so.

2. Create and upload special build 4.6 versions of my stations and passenger platforms to the DLS. These have been created and tested but can't be uploaded to the DLS until #1 above is available for download from the DLS.

3. Create a new version of the CC&LE route with the revised stations and platforms. This has been done and tested but can't be uploaded to the DLS until #2 above is available for download from the DLS.

4. Revise the existing two CC&LE sessions. This has been accomplished and tested but can't be uploaded to the DLS until #3 above is available for download from the DLS.

I expect all these should be available by the end of this coming week, depending on the DLS.

Now available for download on the DLS:

Build 4.6

Description: SAP Visible passenger product. An updated and corrected version of . This product will load and unload visible passengers from any passenger rolling stock item or structure configured to accept this product. While I have made some corrections in order resolve some issues in TRS19 with the old passenger product, so I can use this on my own routes and sessions, I am not the author of the original meshes or the textures. I don't know who was the original author, since it didn't say in the , but whoever it is still retains all copyrights for this great visible product. I thank that original author for his great product!

Note: The passenger stations and platforms by me have now been uploaded for processing to the DLS.

The following four build 4.6 (TRS19) content items are now available for download on the DLS.




SAP Gunnison Station-Ver1

Note: All four of the above items use my new Passengers-SAP visible passenger product, which is also available for download on the DLS at:

