Missing Tracks and Splines


Owner of Keaton's Trainz
Hello. I have a small dilema. I am a big Thomas fan and have been for 15 years. I use Si3D's 2006 routes as well as their new ones. I love them, but there is a small problem. There are no tracks! Just two white lines broken up every meter or so. I used the kuid finder or whatever that was but it did not give me any help. Is there anyone out there that has those 2006 routes and can tell me what track was used?
Yes, there are. But there is another issue. I do not have internet connection on the computer Trainz is on. I get everything from separate computers. Just an fyi.
I do not have internet connection on the computer Trainz is on. I get everything from separate computers.
Then you need to download the missing dependencies using the computer that is attached to the internet, move the .cdp files to the computer with Trainz, and install them.
I can't download them if I can't find them. That's exactly why I started this thread.

Go into content manager.

filter to show missing dependencies.

Check the DLS for those kuids... You can copy the list and paste it into a notepad text file which you can transfer to another computer on the net and use that as a thing to search against.

If the stuff can't be found... use the Trainzkuidindex.com website to find the missing dependencies.