Midland. error message with latest session


New member
Hi Nix
sorry about this but I get an error message when I load ' Dunedin Shuttle'
see below (click on it to see it properly)

this happens in Surveyor or Driver, it doesn't stop the session but it runs jerkily.

strange thing is, since downloading it I get the message with ALL the Industrail 1A sessions.

I thought at first you had set up an industry to load something I haven't got but after looking at the worksheet there is no loading or unloading.

any ideas please

Hi again
This is even more worrying than I thought:confused:
I deleted your session and still got the error message when I opened another Industrail 1a session so I thought "I wonder if it was Phils session 'wells and flats', so I deleted that.
I still got the error.
after investigating I find I get the error on opening the Industrial 1a MAP
and also Industrial 8a MAP.

so something has somehow got to both maps.

If Phil reads this perhaps he has some ideas cos I sure haven't.

Roy, I haven't had a chance yet to check this out but you'll see at Hayfore there are some 4 wheeler flour wagons. I seem to remember when I was setting them up that they carried two types of flour. It may be that I chose the non-endemic flour.

I'll get back to you.


It sounds to me like you may have a problem with the powerstation, and maybe one other industry. Can't think of a fix though...:(
I've downloaded it into both 2004 and 2006 and this shows up in both. What I'm seeing in 2004 is identical to what cathouse is seeing.
TO shows 2004 as clean, except for 44066:24012, a rusty gondola, which has either missing or misplaced brackets.
In 2006, I'm seeing something different, except that line -1 and line 68 show up in both. Line 68 has something to do with the power station.
CMP in 2006 also shows 16 faulty dependencies. The gondola is not one of them, but the power station is.
I'd make the necessary changes, but I'm not comfortable making changes in the config.txt.
Hi jimisham
altho I'm sorry you've got it too I'm glad its not just me.
does it affect your map as well as the session?

I thought about the power station line and opened my test board, placed every power station I've got on to it and saved.
closed the board then reopened it and.............nothing.:eek:

I can run TO in full error check and get no errors at all ( I repair what I can when I download)

I've had some weird ones but this has got me.

Hi cathouse.
I have it in the maps.
I think I've seen it in other layouts I have also. I'll have to go through them and see if i still have any.
Hi guys, this one has got me beat too.

The only thing I can think of is deleting the power station and redownloading it.

The rusty gondolas are on one of the trains you pass en route.

Sorry I can't be more helpful.


It's all to do with bendorsey's Commercial_Coal_Company, kuid 210518:1018:1 thu :3.

In an earlier version of IndustRail I used the :1 version of Commercial_Coal at Plastique Explosives.

By the time I made the next extension of the route, bensorsey had released :2, and this was added at Cal-C-Fication.

So IndustRail contains both :1 and :2. No problem.

Subsequently Ben has released :3. This is compatible with :2 but, unfortunately, incompatible :1.

When a session is downloaded, Download Helper and CMP check for updated assets and dependencies, so even if the original download of IndustRail has just :2, as soon as a new session is downloaded :3 of Commercial_Coal will be downloaded too. This obsoletes :1 and :2 and because of the incompatibility generates the error message when the route is used.

Now I can either revise IndustRail by substituting Coal_Company :3 for :1 and :2, in which case all the sessions that are presently on the Download Station will not work with the new version of the route, or you guys can wait for the next extension of the route when I will make sure all dependencies are updated to the current version.

Sorry, but the problem is not of my making !~!



An afterthought.

Good news forTRS2004 users. Just use TrainzObjectz to delete :3 and all is good.

TRS2006 users are stuffed - CMP automatically searches for and downloads updates as soon as it connects.
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Holy discombobulation Batman! I would never have worked that one out! :hehe:

Thanks for your explanation Phil, it's nice to know it's not my fault even though it is... :eek:


WELL WELL :hehe:
Thank goodness someone knows what the hell is happening.
nice going Phil, like Nix, I would never have figured that one out, well done.:Y: :Y:

I,ll try deleting version 3 of that asset when I get a moment and let you ( both ) know what happens

Cheers ( lots)
5 minutes later.....................


fixed:clap: :clap: :clap:

I therefore assume, Phil, that any session d/lled before you change the map will automatically d/l this asset again so we'll have to delete it every time.

not a problem:D

I eliminated :3 in 2006 and the map, as well as 2 scenarios for it loaded OK.
I also eliminated it in 2004 with TrainzObjectz and it loaded OK, except for the "Load The Map Anyway" and "Download Missing Assets Now' messages.
Roy --

Yes. That is correct.

Perhaps I should upload a version 1b of the route to rectify this little niggle.

Only problem is that the sessions that have been made for 1a will not work with a 1b.

How do you guys feel about that?

Hi Phil
As I said, it doesn't bother me to delete that asset when DLH gets the latest version, it only takes a minute in TO.

I can wait till you release the next extension.

Hi Phil
As I said, it doesn't bother me to delete that asset when DLH gets the latest version, it only takes a minute in TO.

I can wait till you release the next extension.


I agree. I wish all my downloads were that easy to fix.
I downloaded two of them this afternoon, Big Blow and FR8 Train.
After deleting :3, the map and FR8 train had no problem, but Big Blow had one:

Script Version /Config file mismatch!
Stack Dump was lines -1, 19 and 27.

But Click Continue and it seems to be fine. I ran it for a few minutes and it seemed to be OK.