List Assets in a Layer/Unwanted crowd noise


New member

I have a noise problem. Somehow I have added an extremely loud and particularly annoying crowd sound to a portion of my route. I cannot identify it by sight, but fortunately installed it in a layer that has very few items so far. But the items it does have are spread out and critical track items, so it would be difficult to find them all, switch to new layer and then delete the offending sound by deleting that layer. Is there a way to list the assets assigned to this layer, it should be easy to identify "Obnoxious Crowd Noises" or something similar. Any other ideas to find this thing would e appreciated. Thank you.

I don't think that's possible, but it sure is a good idea. :)

What I would do is switch to the layer that your sound object is placed on and then search in grid view.

The sound objects are small and end up being buried under the terrain. Try showing the grid instead of the actual textured terrain while in the region you think the sound is located. While in that area, look for small square objects, some may even have a speaker icon on them, while others are less obvious, sadly.
Thank you, THANK YOU! That did the trick, a little W called 'At the Footy' gonna disable that worthless bit of kit.

Sometimes the annoying sounds are embedded inside visible assets - such as pubs, stations, etc. Short of finding suitable alternative silent assets, the only remedy is to either replace the .wav sound file with another file "loaded" with silence or to delete the file and edit the config.txt file to remove all references to the sound(s).

These solutions will, of course, only work on your copy of Trainz. If you upload your route to the DLS then downloaders will get the original assets with the sounds fully intact.
Sometimes the annoying sounds are embedded inside visible assets - such as pubs, stations, etc. Short of finding suitable alternative silent assets, the only remedy is to either replace the .wav sound file with another file "loaded" with silence or to delete the file and edit the config.txt file to remove all references to the sound(s).

These solutions will, of course, only work on your copy of Trainz. If you upload your route to the DLS then downloaders will get the original assets with the sounds fully intact.

I've done that more than once myself! One of the assets that comes to mind is the old, and I mean ancient, white lighthouse. It has that dreadful fog horn, which is good for a few seconds, but being Trainz it can be heard 16 miles away off in the woods nowhere even close to the ocean rocks where the light has been placed.
