Legacy of the BN


New member
Hello JR,

Ok I've downloaded this route, but still can not get it running.

Missing the following:

" " :604080
" " :245580
" " :575338

I've re-downloaded and installed all twice, did a database repair. Also I do not have any engine controls in the sessions.

So what to do!!!

Ed Lewis
Those appear to be locomotives, which if you purchased the Legacy of the BN 2 you should have the files that contain the locomotives in your order to download and install.

Make sure you do not have anything open for edit in content manager as this could also be the cause of any problems you are experiencing. This may also be the reason why you dont have any engine controls, the locos would be an important part of the session.
Yes I purchased this route, and installed all five CDP's: Legacy of the BN v2,
loas_upd, map_session_dependences, Sessions-set 1 and Train_cars_pack.


OK, All is good in Trainz Land. Deleted the route, then installed the new ( I think they are, got new names) files from your web site, that worked!

Ed Lewis
I apologize in advance if this is in the incorrect thread or has already been resolved. I created a session in Legacy of the BN for T:ANE but when I go to save the session my only option is to also overwrite the route, which I do not want to do, I only want to save the session. The option to save only the session is visible but not selectable. Sessions I have created in other routes allow, as a selectable option, to save only the session. Thanks in advance.
I must have missed something on the install then. When I create a new session there are only 3 layers and only 1 is locked and unlocking the layer does not allow me to save only the session. Thanks.
All the sessions I created have 4 layers: route-layer, Route terrain, Milepost's and session-layer. I don't understand how a session could work with only one layer!