Jons Yarn Intersections missing dependencies.


Active member
My apologies for this issue!
Jons Yarn Intersections missing dependencies
Missing Kuids?

Done got them uploaded.
The DLS did not process them with no warning?.
This was a DLS upload issue that I need to report to the bug reports.
I had these in my uploaded folder, as uploaded and I also had counted them on the DLS waiting list.
Thank You all for your patience!
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My apologies for this issue!
Jons Yarn Intersections missing dependencies
Missing Kuids?

Done got them uploaded.
The DLS did not process them with no warning?.
This was a DLS upload issue that I need to report to the bug reports.
I had these in my uploaded folder, as uploaded and I also had counted them on the DLS waiting list.
Thank You all for your patience!
Thank you JJeff! I will be patient and check the DLS from time to time for these. There's one more Kuid not on your list,
<kuid:95230:112238> is missing also, and has been uploaded also, I do not know why the DLS did not complete this the first time.
Very Sorry about these issues, it is frustrating to have the intersections not there after the update.
From now on I will not do the automatic standard upload, I will use the waiting for preview to make sure that that the DLS does not drop them in the process.
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