Ish6 Sister… my name is Ana


New member
Hello Everyone,

I am Ish’s sister, Ana. I haven’t heard or seen my brother in 16 yrs. I come to find out that he passed away. From his post on here I see that he sadly struggled with very serious and complicated health issues. My heart is broken for him, his wife Venus and his 3 very young daughters that I have never met.
I’m happy to see so many people hold him in high regards.
Hi Ana,

What a sad situation for you too!!!!

We were very close to Ismael (Ishie for us) at IBerTrainZ. It was a total grief for us to be aware of serious illness and his passing away, really very sad.

Let's make use of your letting us know of you to remember his stay with us in this still quite human world of Trainz.

Hope you can arrange a meeting with your nieces and mother. My best wishes for you. Thank you for coming in.

The recalling Ishie side of Alberte 🥰

Ishie's Thread on the IBTZ Forum

That is really unfortunate, he was a gentleman that I looked up to and shown me how to be a better person not just outside of trainz but in public, he will be truly missed, his contributions to this community is valuable and appreciated, so thank you, Ish6.