Setting Max Speed for a player-controlled train.


Is there a way to set a speed limit for a player-controlled train that is less than the posted speed limit for the stretch of track?
In my session I have a player-controlled train that is hauling coal hoppers (HAAs). These are speed limited to 45mph loaded and 60mph empty, even when running on a track that has a speed of 80mph.

Can I set the speed limit for the train so a warning - and score deduction - is posted when that speed is exceeded?

I know there is a Driver Command to set a speed for AI controlled trains but what about manually controlled trains?
Is there a way to set a speed limit for a player-controlled train that is less than the posted speed limit for the stretch of track?
I know there is a Driver Command to set a speed for AI controlled trains but what about manually controlled trains?
I am sure that some would complain that a speed limiter on a manually controlled train would be an insult to the driver (or worse).

The short quick solution would be to paste a post-it note on the lower right of the screen, above the throttle controls, stating something appropriate like "go above 45 and you're fired!"

There is a tag that can be placed in the config.txt file of a locomotive that sets its maximum possible speed for both AI and manual control but it is applied without exceptions - no exemption for running empty. But that would be the sledge hammer approach and, from what I have read, the tag is now *mostly obsolete* although it is still obeyed (but at the wrong speed) in trains running in Trainz+.

Driver training, road knowledge and mental agility would be my solution to this problem. 😄
Note to self- Don't post late at night!
Note to self 2 - Check how other sessions have done this!

By using the "Speeding Check Rule"; built-in; kuid2:60850:89004:6, I can get this to display a notice when the speed of my player-controlled loco exceeds 45mph, even though the track speed limit is 80mph.
Exactly as required, but...

My only problem is that, even when using it as a child rule of a Reset List Rule, it only displays once... subsequent speeding goes unnoticed. Any ideas on this?

However further testing seems to indicate it is the "Post Message" rules that I have included within the sequence of child rules that causes the problem. Without them, the sequence seems to repeat sucessfully each time, although it is much harder to follow the progress...
Perhaps I should have taken my own advice... :oops:
Use the rule "ATP Speed Limiter". That way, the train will barely speed (although you'll have to use again the controls to avoid braking the train).