we were just discussing that the other day on chat.
Main problem is with the rolling stock. As trainz do not have an auto update or download stuff, getting someone's else content when a train is transferred is the problem.
well thats all well and fine, the route that each person uses is not really important, as the others will not see this, their involvement stops at the point the train they send enters the exit portal on their route, and from then untill it is sent back doesnt involve them, apart from the fact they may have sent a train to be loaded with coal and it returns with ballast or some other comodity, or does not return at all, it is like each person is the dispatcher for his own section, it will even as you say not even be desitined to my section, just passing through, but as dispatcher on my section it would be me that forwards it on to the next, and returns it to you afterwards, and this is one of the things that I need clearing up
If you have section 1 me section2 and someone else section 3
when you send it to me do you send it just to my portal and then I take it over or can you send it through to me with instructions to load at my industry and then return to you, or when it arrives here I have to give it the instructions to load and return it back to you, or are both options available,
As for the Chat Link, I have been there as you know, and there are always the same people there, but with all respect you dont realy do or say anything with any real meaning, there is or there has been none each time I come in discusions about anything related to Trainz , I maybe wrong but thats what I have seen, its why I dont hang around long !!
now I have set up a small yard in 2006 there is no actual place , its just 2 Iports for entry into the system that goes to a holding yard, 10 tracks that can hold 1 engine and 20 wagons, from there you can just go to one of 8 different industrys to load or 10 different industrys to unload, after witch there are 6 exit iports, so its just a arrive take you place in the que, load or discharge, and return, this means I can accept 2 units inbound at the same time, service up to 18 units a the same time and return them to 6 different destinations, it was just to see how the system works, as far as rolling stock is concerned is just a matter of every one agreeing as to what stock is used, and each person making sure they have this downloaded, not such a big problem, the biggest problem I can see is the time zones, or if you send me a unit and I am off line does it arrive with me the next time I log in, ( does it wait on Aurans Server and wait, or must you all be online at the same time